Easy Flexbox in React
npm i reaflex
yarn add reaflex
It expects the following to be installed as peer dependencies
react >= 16.8.0
react-dom >= 16.8.0
styled-components >= 4.4.1
prop-types >= 15.7.0
import { Flex, Item } from "reaflex";
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
<Flex direction="column" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center">
<Item alignSelf="flex-end">Hello</Item>
<Item as="span">Flex</Item>
<Item alignSelf="flex-start">Box</Item>
Prop | Type | Description |
as | React.ElementType | The element to render. Defaults to div . |
inline | boolean | Sets the display property to inline-flex when true and flex otherwise. Defaults to false . |
direction | string | Sets the flex-direction property. |
alignItems | string | Sets the align-items property. |
justifyContent | string | Sets the justify-content property. |
wrap | string | Sets the flex-wrap property. |
flow | string | Sets the flex-flow property. |
gap | string | Sets the gap property. |
rowGap | string | Sets the row-gap property. |
columnGap | string | Sets the column-gap property. |
Prop | Type | Description |
as | React.ElementType | The element to render. Defaults to div . |
order | number | Sets the order property. |
alignSelf | string | Sets the align-self property. |
grow | string or number | Sets the flex-grow property. |
shrink | string or number | Sets the flex-shrink property. |
basis | string | Sets the flex-basis property. |
flex | string or number | Sets the flex property. |
See it running in action in this demo.
MIT Copyright (c) Maroun Baydoun.