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Easy to migrate exist React App (build by Webpack, babel and Express) to AMP website.
both support react@16 and react@17

Thanks @savemuse contrubutes to add support for webpack@5
for webpack@4 users, please use @react2amp@1
for webpack@5 users, please use @react2amp@5


  1. Collect AMP component tags and generate script tag to load these resources,
  2. Support customized AMP component version specification like: <amp-carousel data-ver="0.2">{...}</amp-carousel>
  3. Collect CSS and generate style tag with amp-custom attribute.
  4. Provide useAmp() to distinguish between AMP and non-AMP pages.


npm inatall --save react2amp


  • Html

    React component which render whole AMP HTML includes all necessary tags meets AMP HTML specification

    props type required default description
    head ReactElement[] false [] Array of React.Element tags(such as title, link and meta)
    main ReactNode true - Main content of application
    asset Asset false {} Map of AMP components and css data
    styles ReactElement[] false [] Array of React.Element styles to support Css-In-Js solutions (styled-jsx and styled-components)
    // Asset type
    type Asset = {
      [entry]: {
        scripts: {
          name: string, 
          version: number
        css: string
      , ...


    import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
    import { Html } from 'react2amp'
    renderToString(<Html {...} />)
  • AmpProvider

    React context provider to indicate components (children) that current page is AMP


    import React from 'react'
    import { AmpProvider } from 'react2amp'
    function Text() {
      return useAmp() ? "This is Amp page" : "This is non-Amp page"
    function AmpApp() {
      return (
          /** `useAmp() will return true` */
          <Text />
  • useAmp Distinguish between AMP and non-AMP pages. useAmp() will return true inside AmpProvider


    // Image.js
    import React from 'react'
    import {useAmp} from 'react2amp'
    function Image() {
      return (
          useAmp() ? (
            <amp-img {...} />
          ) : (
            <img {...} />
  • webpackPluginAmpAssets

    Webpack plugin to collect AMP component tags and css by each entry

    props type required default description
    filename string true - The file to write the assets to
    includeEntries string[] false [] Only collect assets from the entries inside includeEntries
    excludeJsResourcesRegExp RegExp false - Ignore the module resources match the excludeJsResourcesRegExp rules when finding AMP components
    excludeCssResourcesRegExp RegExp false - Ignore the module resources match the excludeCssResourcesRegExp rules when finding css


    // webpack.config.js
    const AmpAssetsPlugin = require('react2amp/plugin').webpackPluginAmpAssets
    module.exports = {
      entry: {
        entry1: './components/App1.js',
        entry2: './components/App2.js',
        entry3: './components/App3.js'
      plugins: [
        new AmpAssetsPlugin({
          filename: `${build_path}/react2ampAsset.json`,
          includeEntries: ['entry1', 'entry3'],
          excludeResourcesRegExp: /node_modules\/(@babel|lodash|core-js|@apollo|graphql|react|react-dom)\/.*/

    The react2ampAsset.json would look like

        "entry1": {
          "scripts": [
              "name": "amp-form",
              "version": 0.1
            }, {
              "name": "amp-bind",
              "version": 0.1
          "css": "html{line-height:1.15;}body{margin:0}"
        "entry3": {
          "scripts": [
              "name": "amp-animation",
              "version": 0.1
            }, {
              "name": "amp-carousel",
              "version": 0.2
          "css": "html{line-height:1.15;}body{margin:0}"
  • babelPluginAmpClassName

    Babel plugin to transpile className prop of AMP tags to class prop. React will render className prop of custom HTML tag (AMP component) as class like this: <amp-img className="image"> => <amp classname="image">, check here for more informatin.


    // babel.config.js
    const babelPluginAmpClassName = require('react2amp/plugin').babelPluginAmpClassName
    module.exports = {
      presets: [
      plugins: [

    Or simply use amp-react-components to render AMP components, which map AMP component's clsssName prop to class prop.

  • expressAmpMiddleware

    Express middleware to response AMP page to client side.

    props type required default description
    head ReactElement[] false [] Array of React.Element tags(such as title, link and meta)
    main ReactNode true - Main content of application
    asset Asset false {} Map of AMP components and css data
    styles ReactElement[] false [] Array of React.Element styles to support Css-In-Js solutions (styled-jsx and styled-components)


    import { expressAmpMiddleware } from 'react2amp'
    app.get('/amp/example', expressAmpMiddleware({...}))
  • getAmpAsset

    get assets by entry from JSON file generate by webpackPluginAmpAssets

    props type required default description
    entry string true '' webpack entry
    assetFile string true '' assets file


    import { getAmpAsset } from 'react2amp/plugins'
    const entry = 'entry1'
    const assetFilename = `../build/react2ampAsset.json`
    const asset = getAmpAsset(entry, assetFilename)


Head.js render title, description and meta tags into HTML head tag. Render canonical at AMP page and amphtml at original website.

// Head.js

import {useAmp} from 'react2amp'

function Head(){
  return (
      <meta name="description" content="Description" />
        useAmp() ? (
          /** react2amp will add meta for charset and viewport for AMP pages */
          <link rel="canonical" href="" />
        ) : (
          <meta charset="utf-8" />
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1 initial-scale=1" />
          <link rel="amphtml" href="" />

App.js render the main application content. Render AMP component(amp-img) at AMP page and img tag at original website.

// App.js

import {useAmp} from 'react2amp'

function App(){
  const props = {...}
  return (
        useAmp() ? (
          <amp-img {...props} layout="responsive" />
        ) : (
          <img {...props} />

Add babelPluginAmpClassName babel plugin to babel.config.js for transpiling className prop to class prop.

// babel.config.js

const babelPluginAmpClassName = require('react2amp/plugin').babelPluginAmpClassName

module.exports = {
  presets: [
  plugins: [

Add AmpAssetsPlugin webpack plugin to webpack.config.js for collecting AMP component tags and css in by entry point.

// webpack.config.js

const AmpAssetsPlugin = require('react2amp/plugin').webpackPluginAmpAssets
module.exports = {
  entry: {
    example: './components/App.js'
  plugins: [
    new AmpAssetsPlugin({
      filename: `${build_path}/react2ampAsset.json`

Add expressAmpMiddleware express middleware to serve AMP page. And use AmpProvider(work with useAmp()) if we need to render component earlier to get styles or content with data in server side.

// express.js

import { renderToStaticMarkup, renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import { ServerStyleSheet, StyleSheetManager } from 'styled-components'
import { AmpProvider } from 'react2amp'
import { expressAmpMiddleware, getAmpAsset } from 'react2amp/plugins'
/** build by webpack AmpAssetsPlugin */
import assets from 'react2ampAsset.json'
import Head from './components/Head'
import App from './components/App'

app.get('/example', (req, res) => {
  res.send(`<!doctype html>\n${renderToStaticMarkup(html)}`)

const entry = 'example'
const assetFilename = `${build_path}/react2ampAsset.json`
app.get('/amp/example', expressAmpMiddleware({
  head: <Head />,
  main: <App />,
  asset: getAmpAsset(entry, assetFilename)

/** with styled component */
const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()
try {
  const main = renderToString(
      <StyleSheetManager sheet={sheet.instance}>
        <App />
  const styles = sheet.getStyleElement()
  app.get('/amp/styled/example', expressAmpMiddleware({
    head: <Head />,
    asset: getAmpAsset(entry, assetFilename),
} catch (error) {
} finally {


  • Update
    • [ ] develop mode
  • Add examples
    • [ ] react app with css module
    • [ ] react app with styled component
    • [ ] react app with apollo graphql



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  • danhuang1202