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React Typing Game Hook

Easily create typing games functionalty (10fastestfinger, monkeytype, keybr, etc) with this react hook that handles the typing logic


This hook takes care of the states and the little details that goes on when users type in a typing game/test/challenge! Your part is to just capture the inputs from the user!


Simple Demo

Typing on Input Demo

Typing on the text Demo

Getting Started


npm add react-typing-game-hook


Here's a simple example of it (live here)

import React from 'react';
// import it
import useTypingGame from 'react-typing-game-hook';

const TypingGameComponent = () => {
  // Call the hook
  const {
    states: { chars, charsState },
    actions: { insertTyping, resetTyping, deleteTyping },
  } = useTypingGame('Click on me and start typing away!');

  // Capture and display!
  return (
      onKeyDown={e => {
        const key = e.key;
        if (key === 'Escape') {
        } else if (key === 'Backspace') {
        } else if (key.length === 1) {
      {chars.split('').map((char, index) => {
        let state = charsState[index];
        let color = state === 0 ? 'black' : state === 1 ? 'green' : 'red';
        return (
          <span key={char + index} style={{ color }}>
export default TypingGameComponent;

Have a look at the demos on codesandbox above as well as the hooks details below to find out more!

Hook Details

Structure Breakdown

const {
  states: {
  actions: {
} = useTypingGame(text, {
  skipCurrentWordOnSpace: true,
  pauseOnError: false,
  countErrors: 'everytime',

Enumeration Breakdown

import { PhaseType, CharStateType } from 'react-typing-game-hook';

PhaseType {
  NotStarted = 0,
  Started = 1,
  Ended = 2,

CharStateType {
  Incomplete = 0,
  Correct = 1,
  Incorrect = 2,

Hook Parameters

Name Functionalty Default value
skipCurrentWordOnSpace When true, moves on to the next word when space is inputted. Otherwise, it moves on to the next character instead true
pauseOnError When true, stays on the same character until it is correctly inputted. Otherwise, it moves on to the next character instead false
countErrors When value is 'everytime', count errors anytime a mistake is made. When value is 'once', count errors only once for each mistake made at the position where the letter is typed. 'everytime'

Hook States

Name Functionalty Data Type Initial value
startTime Time in milliseconds (since the Unix Epoch) when the typing started. number Prior to when the typing starts, it is null
endTime Time in milliseconds(since the Unix Epoch) when the typing test ended. number Prior to when the typing ended, it is null
chars The inputted text to be used for typing. string -
length The lengh of the inputted text number Length of the inputted text chars
charsState Array of each character's state of the inputted text. Each item represents the corresponding chararacter of the text inputted.
CharStateType.Incomplete - has yet to be determined to be correct or incorrect
CharStateType.Correct - is determined to be correct
CharStateType.Incorrect - is determined to be incorrect.

Use of CharStateType over numeric literal is recommended
CharStateType[] Array length of chars filled with CharStateType.Incomplete
currIndex Current character index of the text the user have typed till. number -1
currChar Current character the user have typed till. string ''
correctChar Number of correct character the user had typed. number 0
errorChar Number of incorrect character the user had typed. number 0
phase Represent the current state of the typing test.
PhaseType.NotStarted - typing haven't started
PhaseType.Started - typing started
PhaseType.Ended - typing ended

Use of PhaseType over numeric literal is recommended
PhaseType PhaseType.NotStarted

Hook Methods

Name Functionalty Signature Return value
insertTyping Insert a character into the current typing sequence. It will start the typing if it hasn't been started as well as end the typing for you when the last character has been entered. insertTyping(char:string) -
deleteTyping It only works when the typing has been started. Allows for the current word in the typing sequence to be deleted when passed with a parameter of true, otherwise it deletes only a character from the current typing (default behavior). deleteTyping(deleteWord?: boolean) -
resetTyping Reset to its initial state. resetTyping() -
endTyping Ends the current typing sequence if it had started. States persist when ended and endTime is captured. endTyping() -
setCurrIndex Set the current index manually. Only works when phase is PhaseType.NotStarted (haven't started typing) or PhaseType.Started (during typing). setCurrIndex(index:number) true if successfull, otherwise false
getDuration Duration in milliseconds since the typing started. getDuration() 0 if the typing has yet to start.

Package Sidebar


npm i react-typing-game-hook-v2

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  • davletovalmir