React Timekeeper
Time picker based on the style of the Android Google Keep app.
- supports both 12 hour and 24 hour mode, and flexible time formats
- simple to use with many customizable options
- smooth, beautiful animations with react spring
- typescript support
- css variable support for custom styles
$ yarn add react-timekeeper
# or via npm
$ npm install --save react-timekeeper
Version 2+ of timekeeper requires react hooks (v16.8). If you're using an older version of react, install timekeeper v1 via
$ npm install --save react-timekeeper@^1.0.0
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import TimeKeeper from 'react-timekeeper';
function YourComponent(){
const [time, setTime] = useState('12:34pm')
return (
onChange={(data) => setTime(data.formatted12)}
<span>Time is {time}</span>
All styles are inlined via emotion so no css imports are required.
For full api and examples, see API docs and examples
- Clone the repo
nvm use v12.16.0
(or anything >12+) -
yarn install
- may also need to install react since it's a peer dev:
yarn add -P react react-dom
- may also need to install react since it's a peer dev:
npm run docs:dev
- Navigate to
Before submitting a PR, ensure that:
- you follow all eslint rules (should be automatic)
- all tests pass via
npm run tests
- everything builds
- docs -
npm run docs:build
- lib -
npm run lib
- docs -
- provide detailed info on what bug you're fixing or feature you're adding - if possible include a screenshot/gif
Other useful commands:
- new npm releases:
- bump version:
npm version NEW_VERSION
, commit and push - CI should publish to npm automatically
- bump version:
- new github releases
- manual (TODO - add github action)