A React component for creating, selecting, and removing tags. This library focuses entirely on tagging rather than attempting to be a generic autocomplete library, because we think that single responsibility and custom built solutions are good things.
Check out our demo on gh-pages.
manages Tag
objects in the form of { label: String, value: Any }
, and supports both preloaded and asynchronous autocomplete options by providing
two different components: TagBox
and TagBoxAsync
. Both components accept the following common properties:
Property Name | Type | Required | Description |
selected | Array<Tag> |
true | The list of currently selected tags |
onSelect | function(tag) |
true | Function to be executed when a tag is selected or submitted |
removeTag | function(tag) |
true | Function called when the remove button is clicked on a tag |
renderNewOption | function(text) |
false | Function for overriding the default Add ${input} prompt |
selectedText | string |
false | Text to display when the search input is already a selected tag. 'Already Selected' by default. |
renderTag | function(tag, remove) |
false | Function to override default tag rendering |
placeholder | string |
false | Override default placeholder text |
backspaceDelete | bool |
false | Whether or not the backspace key should delete the last tag. false by default |
search | function(tag, input) |
false | Function to determine if a given tag should be included in the autocomplete suggestions for a given input. |
exactMatch | function(tag, input) |
false | Function to determine if the tag matches the input. |
Users provide the following props in addition to the common props:
Property Name | Type | Required | Description |
tags | Array<Tag> |
true | The List of all tags |
const sampleTags = state = tags: sampleTags selected: List { const tags selected = thisstate const onSelect = { const newTag = label: taglabel value: tagvalue || taglabel this } const remove = { this } // optional // default behavior is case-sensitive search within tag label, like so: // (tag, input) => tag.label.includes(input) const search = { taglabel } // optional // default behavior is case-sensitive match against tag label, like so: // (tag, input) => tag.label === input const exactMatch = { taglabel === input; } return <div style= width: '50%' > <TagBox tags=unselected selected=tags onSelect=onSelect removeTag=remove search=search exactMatch=exactMatch /> </div> }
Users provide the following props in addition to the common props:
Property Name | Type | Required | Description |
fetch | function(text) |
true | A function that returns a promise which resolves the tags to populate the autocomplete. |
loadingText | string |
false | Text to display when results are being fetched. 'Loading...' by default. |
// Mock server data. This would normally be in your database.const sampleTags = // Mock http request. This would normally make a request to your server to fetch matching tags.const fetch = { return { }} state = selected: sampleTags { const selected = thisstate const onSelect = { const newTag = label: taglabel value: tagvalue || taglabel this } const remove = { this } const placeholder = selected ? '' : "Use the backspace key to delete the last tag" return <TagBoxAsync fetch=fetch selected=selected onSelect=onSelect removeTag=remove backspaceDelete=true placeholder=placeholder /> }