
1.0.1 • Public • Published


react-package-publisher is a toolkit for reactjs developers to build, test and publish a react component to the Node Package Magaer(npm). This project contains important commands in a script file to build, test and publish a package.

react-show-greeting is reactjs based package published using the react-package-publisher. This is an example package to greet you once you type-in your name.


  • Fork or clone this repo.

  • Change the directory to, react-package-publisher

  • Edit the package.json with your package name, version, author, license, dependencies, devDependencies etc. Please note, the peerDependencies are already set for a specific version of react and react-dom. Please feel free to change the versions suitable to your need. If you are new to the npm dependency management, please read this.

  • Create your component file and write the component code.

  • Run the file. Please note, use a unix based terminal(example, GitBash) to run the file.


What is in file?

The file is the main file that helps in building, packaging and publishing your react component to the npm. It helps automating many steps that are usually need to execute line by line and time consuming. It contains commands to faciliate the followings,

  • Check Node, NPM and Yarn Versions.
  • Remove the existing dist folder. This folder will be generated at the compilation step automatically.
  • Remove the existing index.js file. This file will be generated at the compilation step automatically.
  • Perform yarn install(Dependency Management).
  • Build Components and creates index.js file and dist folder.
  • Copy other required files like, README.MD, *.scss etc files to the dist folder.
  • Create a tarball npm for local testing.
  • Login and Publish. Here are 2 ways to login
      1. Using Intercative mode(Default) => npm login will ask for username, password and email.
      1. Using non interactive mode => Edit the file to comment the above option and uncomment the line starts with npm-login-noninteractive. Please edit the required parameter values like, <USER_NAME>, and . Please install npm-login-noninteractive globally as a depenency to use this option.

Further Read

A step-by-step turorial to use this toolkit is on the way, please stay tuned.

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npm i react-show-greeting

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  • atapas