import { Notifications, addNotification } from 'react-notify-library';
Container component for notifications, recommended to import in root app component
- position?: ("top-right" (default) | "top-center" | "top-left" | "bottom-right" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-left")
- width?: String | Number (value will be in px) (default - 320px)
- portalId?: String (default - "notifications") - DOM element id, where notifications will be rendered, by default you should have a root DOM element with id="notifications"
- baseSettings?: Object - this property is using to set up base settings for all notifications, object properties must be one of notification params (params example below)
- typeStyles?: Object - this property is using to rewrite default styles for different notification types, passed object is merging with default type styles, object properties is equal to notification types
success?: (your styles for success notification),
warning?: (your styles for warning notificaion),
Function for adding notifications, which takes a message and object with params
- message: string | Function,
- type?: ("default" (default) | "info" | "success" | "warning" | "error" | "dark"),
- onClose?: Function,
- onClick?: Function,
- autoClose?: Number | Boolean (default - 4000ms),
- pauseOnHover?: Boolean,
- transition?: ("fade" | "bounce" | "slide" (default) | Object (object with custom transition, which must be dependent on Transition state from ReactTransitionGroup)),
- transitionTimeout?: Number (default - 300ms),
- customCloseIcon?: Function,
- customStyles?: Object
Custom transition
entering?: (your styles for current transition state);
entered?: (your styles for current transition state);
exiting?: (your styles for current transition state);
exited?: (your styles for current transition state);
unmounted?: (your styles for current transition state);
root?: (your styles for notification component),
closeWrapper?: (your styles for close icon wrapper),
closeIcon?: (your styles for default close icon)
Data-attributes for testing
- data-testid="notifications" - notifications container
- data-testid="notification" - notification root component
- data-testid="notification-close-wrapper" - close wrapper
- data-testid="notification-message" - message