React Native Super Alert is a component where you can use various types of alerts and notifications without having to import the library on all screens..
npm i react-native-super-alert --save
yarn add react-native-super-alert
Load the library in Root file of your application (e.g. app.js)
import SuperAlert from "react-native-super-alert";
export default function App() {
return (
<AppContainer />
<SuperAlert /> {/* <--- Load Super Alert here */}
NOTE: This component will replace the default (alert) action from React Native
Default alert
After import Super alert in Root of application, you can call the component using the code bellow
// alert('Title of alert', 'Message of alert', { Object props })
Example for default alert without confirm
'Hello!!', // This is a title
"This is a Super Alert" // This is a alert message
Loading alert from the corners of screen
'Hello!!', // This is a title
"This is a Super Alert", // This is a alert message
position: 'top' // top, bottom, left or right,
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
position (Optional) | string | Using alert in corners (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) | '' |
Using confirm and cancel action
'Hello!!', // This is a title
"This is a Super Alert", // This is a alert message
textConfirm: 'Confirm', // Label of button confirm
textCancel: 'Cancel', // Label of button cancel
onConfirm: () => confirmClick(), // Call your confirm function
onCancel: () => cancelClick() // Call your cancel function
Then create the functions to confirm and cancel action
confirmClick = () => {
console.log('Confirm Action')
cancelClick = () => {
console.log('Cancel Action')
Note: You can use the confirm params in all alert types
Other types
'Hello!!', // This is a title
"This is a Super Alert", // This is a alert message
type: 'bottomsheet'
Props of BottomSheet
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
bottomSheetHeight (Optional) | number | Alert BottomSheet height | 180 |
Flash Message
'This is model of default alert, thanks for use the component',
type: 'flashmessage',
option: 'danger', // danger | warning | info | success
timeout: 3
Props of Flash Message
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
flashMessageHeight (Optional) | number | Flash Message height | 110 |
option (Optional) | string | Select the Color Scheme (danger,warning,info or success) | '' |
timeout (Optional) | number | Total of seconds to close the alert | 5 |
Example with React Navigation Component
Global Props
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
Type (Optional) | string | Select the type of alert (alert,bottomsheet,flashmessage) | 'alert' |
useNativeDriver (Optional) | boolean | Use native driver | false |
textConfirm (Optional) | string | Button confirm label | 'OK' |
textCancel (Optional) | string | Button cancel label | '' |
Customize de Alerts
You can customize the alert according to your theme
Place your style object in the customStyle props
<SuperAlert customStyle={customStyle} />
Classes of customization
Prop | Description |
container | Customize the container style |
buttonCancel | Customize the button cancel style |
buttonConfirm | Customize the button confirm style |
textButtonCancel | Customize the button cancel label style |
textButtonConfirm | Customize the button confirm label style |
title | Customize the title text style |
message | Customize the message text style |
Example of custom style object
const customStyle = {
container: {
backgroundColor: '#e8e8e8',
borderRadius: 0,
buttonCancel: {
backgroundColor: '#b51919',
borderRadius: 0,
buttonConfirm: {
backgroundColor: '#4490c7',
borderRadius: 0,
textButtonCancel: {
color: '#fff',
fontWeight: 'bold'
textButtonConfirm: {
color: '#fff',
fontWeight: 'bold'
title: {
color: '#003d69',
fontSize: 15
message: {
color: '#4f4f4f',
fontSize: 12
Example App
You can download example app from Example App this link
By Alan Ribeiro
If you think the project is useful, please donate or give me a star!