React Native Store Rating Prompt
Stores Supported:
Apple App Store | Google Play |
✓ | ✓ |
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-store-rating-prompt
Users are presented with a modal allowing them to choose amount of stars which is defined with totalStarCount
The star rate taken from the users is compared to the value defined in storeRedirectThreshold
. If this value is greater than the value of storeRedirectThreshold
, the user is directed to the App store or Google Play Store. If it is equal and smaller, comment popup will be opened and users will be allowed to type a comment.
Properties | Required | Type | Description | Default |
playStoreURL | yes | string |
Google Play Store App URL market://details?id=${APP_PACKAGE_NAME} |
iTunesStoreURL | yes | string |
Apple ITunes App URL itms-apps://${APP_ID} |
sendContactUsForm | yes | function |
Function fired when send bottom click | Argument: { isModalOpen: true, rating: 3, review: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...", reviewError:false, showContactForm:true } |
onSendReview | no | function |
Function called when the user it sent for review | |
modalTitle | no | string |
The modal header title | "How many stars do you give to this app?" |
rateButtonText | no | string |
The button text. | "Rate" |
cancelButtonText | no | string |
The cancel button text. | "Cancel" |
totalStarCount | no | number |
The starts count on modal. | 5 |
defaultRating | no | number |
Default Rating | 5 |
isVisible | no | boolean |
Shows rating on modal. | true |
sendButtonText | no | string |
The text of send button. | "Send" |
commentPlaceholderText | no | string |
User review modal placeholder text. | "You can write your comments here" |
isTransparent | no | boolean |
Background style | true |
starLabels | no | array |
The array of rating title. | ['Terrible', 'Bad', 'Okay', 'Good', 'Great'] |
emptyCommentErrorMessage | no | string |
User review comment box validation text | "Please specify your opinion." |
isModalOpen | no | boolean |
Control if the modal open or not. | false |
storeRedirectThreshold | no | number |
Minimum rating threshold for redirect | 3 |
style | no | object |
Additional Modal Styles. | |
onStarSelected | no | function |
Function fired when the rating has changed. | return: number |
onClosed | no | function |
Function fired when the modal has closed. | console.warn('pressed cancel button...') |
This is a more up-to-date fork of react-native-store-rating.