
1.0.18 • Public • Published

React Native Smart Assistant

SmartAssistantRN is a React Native library that integrates an OpenAI-powered chatbot assistant into your application. It enhances app usability by providing features such as navigation guidance, user attribute access, and dynamic button generation.


  • OpenAI-Powered Chatbot: Leverage advanced AI capabilities to provide intelligent responses and interactions within your app.
  • Navigation Guidance: Assist users in navigating through different sections of your application seamlessly.
  • User Attribute Access: Access and utilize user-specific attributes to personalize interactions.
  • Dynamic Button Generation: Create and display buttons dynamically based on the context of the conversation.

Mobile Phone Image


  1. Install the react-native-smart-assistant package:
npm install react-native-smart-assistant
  1. Import the necessary components:
import {Assistant, AiHelperProvider} from 'react-native-smart-assistant';
  1. Initialize the assistant with the required information:
const assistant = new Assistant({
  name:  '<Assistant name>',
  avatar: require('<Assistant avatar>'),
  apiKey: '<Open ai key>',
  language: '<Language for the ai>' // Default is English
  1. Set up the route helper to provide context about different routes in your application:
    route_name: "myapp://(app)",
    description: "This is a route description, here you can do this, this and that",
    route_name: "myapp://register",
    description: "You can register to access the app",
  // Add more routes as needed
  1. Wrap your application in the AiHelperProvider to provide the assistant context:
export default function RootLayout() {
  return (
    <AiHelperProvider assistant={assistant}>
      <App />

Assistant Options

The following table describes the configuration options for the assistant:

Property Description Type Required Default
name The name of the assistant displayed in the chat UI string Yes undefined
apiKey Your OpenAI API key for enabling AI functionality string Yes undefined
firstMessage The first message displayed to the user in the chat string No undefined
language The default language for the assistant responses string No "English"
theme Custom theme object to style the chat UI Theme No Default theme
avatar Path to the assistant's avatar image string No undefined


  • The name and apiKey properties are required for the assistant to function properly.
  • The theme should follow the structure defined in the Theme section.
  • The avatar can be a local image file or a URL to an image resource.
  • If firstMessage is not provided, the chat will start empty until the user interacts.

AI Model Configuration

The following table describes the properties for configuring the AI model:

Property Description Type Required Default Value
model The specific model to use for the AI. E.g., gpt-4o string Yes "gpt-4o"
temperature Controls the randomness of the AI's responses. Lower is more focused, higher is more random number No 0.7
maxTokens The maximum number of tokens (words) the AI will generate number No 1000
topP Controls the diversity of the AI's responses. Higher is more diverse number No 1
frequencyPenalty Penalizes the AI for using common words or phrases too often number No 0
presencePenalty Penalizes the AI for repeating the same content number No 0


  • The model property specifies which OpenAI model to use. For example, gpt-4o.
  • temperature and topP control the creativity and randomness of the model's output. A value closer to 1 increases randomness, while a value closer to 0 makes the AI's responses more deterministic.
  • maxTokens controls how long the model's responses can be, measured in tokens (which roughly equate to words).


const assistant = new Assistant({
  modelSettings: {
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // Specify your desired model
  name: "Sowe", // Name of the assistant
  // Other settings...

useAssistant Hook

The useAssistant hook is designed to provide advanced control and interaction with the Smart Assistant in your application. It allows you to manage and send messages, handle user interactions, and execute custom assistant functions based on the user's actions.

Key Functionalities

  • handleMessage(message: string): This function sends a message to the assistant and handles the response. If the assistant needs to execute any actions (such as navigating to a route or calling a tool), it processes them and generates the necessary feedback for the user.

    • Inputs: A string message from the user.
    • Outputs: The assistant’s response message.
  • handleActions(userMessage: string, tool_calls: ChatCompletionMessageToolCall[]): This function is responsible for handling actions triggered by the assistant based on the user's message. For example, it can handle navigation or execute additional tools.

    • Inputs: The user's message and a list of tool calls that specify the assistant's actions.
    • Outputs: Sends appropriate actions like navigating to routes or executing functions, and generates dynamic buttons for the user to interact with.
  • handleOpenChat(): Opens the chat interface of the assistant.

    • Outputs: Updates the state to indicate the chat should be opened.
  • hideChatBubble(): Hides the chat bubble when the assistant's chat is not needed.

    • Outputs: Updates the state to hide the chat bubble.
  • showChatBubble(): Shows the chat bubble to indicate the assistant is ready to assist.

    • Outputs: Updates the state to show the chat bubble.

How it Works

  1. Message Handling: The hook processes messages sent by the user, queries the assistant (via OpenAI API), and handles any necessary actions such as navigation or calling functions.
  2. Button Generation: If certain actions require user interaction (e.g., navigating to a deep link), buttons are dynamically generated. These buttons are then displayed for the user to click.
  3. Assistant Integration: The hook interacts with the AiHelperContext, which stores the assistant instance, messages, buttons, and other states. This allows the assistant to dynamically respond to user input and perform tasks like navigation.

Example Usage

const { handleMessage, handleOpenChat, hideChatBubble, showChatBubble } = useAssistant();

// Send a message to the assistant
handleMessage("What can I do today?");

// Open the chat interface

// Show or hide the chat bubble


The AI assistant can identify when a user needs to execute a predefined function, such as contacting support or logging out, and creates a button for the user.

Example Usage

  "contactSupport", // unique name of the function
  () => {
    // Logic to contact support
  "Function contact a human", // description of the function

The assitant also alows handling multiple functions at once!

Mobile Phone Image Mobile Phone Image

User Attributes

The AI assistant can identify when a user needs to access personal details and uses them to create an answer.

Example Usage

    name: "Corrado",
    age: 23,
    gender: "male",
    email: "",
  "User personal details, name, age, gender and email"


Easily customize the chat's appearance to match your app's branding by defining a theme. You can modify various aspects, such as colors, text styles, and layouts.

Example Usage

const chatTheme = {
  chat: {
    header: "#1E1E1E", // Header background color
    headerText: "#FFFFFF", // Header text color
    background: "#F5F5F5", // Chat background color

    textLeft: "#333333", // Text color for messages from others
    textRight: "#FFFFFF", // Text color for your messages
    messageBubbleLeft: "#E0E0E0", // Bubble color for messages from others
    messageBubbleRight: "#007BFF", // Bubble color for your messages

    messageActionWrapper: "#FFFFFF", // Background for action wrapper
    messageActionText: "#007BFF", // Text color for actions

    textFieldBackground: "#FFFFFF", // Background of the input field
    textFieldColor: "#333333", // Input text color

    bottomWrapper: "#E0E0E0", // Background for the bottom wrapper

const assistant = new Assistant({
  name:  '<Assistant name>',
  avatar: require('<Assistant avatar>'),
  apiKey: '<Open ai key>',
  language: '<Language for the ai>', // Default is English
  theme: chatTheme

Theme Properties

The following table describes the customizable properties for the chat UI theme:

Property Location Description Type
chat.header Header Background color of the chat header string
chat.headerText Header Text color of the chat header string
chat.background Chat Background Background color of the entire chat screen string
chat.textLeft Messages (Incoming) Text color for messages received string
chat.textRight Messages (Outgoing) Text color for messages sent string
chat.messageBubbleLeft Message Bubbles (Incoming) Background color for received message bubbles string
chat.messageBubbleRight Message Bubbles (Outgoing) Background color for sent message bubbles string
chat.messageActionWrapper Action Buttons Background color for action button wrappers string
chat.messageActionText Action Buttons Text color for action buttons string
chat.textFieldBackground Input Field Background color of the message input field string
chat.textFieldColor Input Field Text color of the input field string
chat.bottomWrapper Bottom Wrapper Background color of the bottom wrapper string
bubble.background Quick Reply Bubble Background color for quick reply bubbles string
bubble.icon Quick Reply Icon Icon color inside quick reply bubbles string


  • All colors should be provided as valid CSS color values, such as "#FFFFFF", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", or "blue".
  • Optional properties can be omitted if default styling is sufficient.

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npm i react-native-smart-assistant


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  • corrideluca
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