
1.2.2 • Public • Published

What Is This?

Shufti Pro is an AI-based identity verification SaaS (Software as a Service) provider that offers real-time global identity verifications for seamless KYC/AML and KYB compliance.

It provides businesses with a sound risk-cover and helps prevent fraud with its automated identity verification services including face verification, document verification, document two verification, consent verification, address verification, biometric consent verification, phone verification, background checks, and 2-factor authentication.

AML screening services enable clients to gain an extra layer of security, by identifying cybercriminals and fraudsters at the source.

An easy to integrate API allows smooth customer onboarding and establishes longstanding trust while optimising customer processing costs altogether.

Table of contents

Basic Setup

General Requirements

Followings are minimum requirements for SDK:

  • Internet connection

Supported architectures in SDK:

  • armeabi-v7a, x86, arm64-v8a, x86_64

SDK Installation Guide

Installation through npm (Expo)

$ npm install expo-shuftipro-kyc --save`

Installation through npm (React Native)

$ npm install react-native-shuftipro-kyc --save`


We find it fair to share our package.json dependencies with you! here are the main dependencies used inside Shufti pro.

  • Dependencies in Expo

"dependencies": {  
  "base-64": "^0.1.0",  
  "expo": "~38.0.8",  
  "expo-av": "~8.2.1",  
  "expo-camera": "~8.3.1",  
  "prop-types": "^15.7.2",  
  "react-native-easy-grid": "^0.2.2",  
  "react-native-responsive-screen": "^1.4.1",  
  "react-redux": "^7.2.1",  
  "redux": "^4.0.5",  
  "redux-persist": "^6.0.0",  
  "redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",  
  "expo-permissions": "~9.0.1",  
  "expo-network": "~2.2.1"  
  • Dependencies in React Native

"dependencies": {  
    "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.13.4",
    "@react-native-community/cli-platform-android": "^11.3.1",
    "@react-native-community/netinfo": "^9.3.10",
    "base-64": "^0.1.0",
    "prop-types": "^15.7.2",
    "react": "16.13.1",
    "react-native": "^0.64.1",
    "react-native-camera": "^3.36.0",
    "react-native-easy-grid": "^0.2.2",
    "react-native-fs": "^2.16.6",
    "react-native-responsive-screen": "^1.4.1",
    "react-native-video": "^5.1.1",
    "react-native-video-controls": "^2.7.1",
    "react-native-video-helper": "^1.4.4",
    "react-native-webview": "^11.2.3",
    "react-redux": "^7.2.1",
    "redux": "^4.0.5",
    "redux-persist": "^6.0.0",
    "redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",
    "react-native-shuftipro-kyc": "^1.2.2",


See the sample project provided to learn the most common use. Make sure to build on real device.

  • Expo

$ import ShuftiPro from "expo-shuftipro-kyc"
  • React Native

$ import ShuftiPro from "react-native-shuftipro-kyc"
  • Android

    goto ProjectName/android/app/build.gradle and add missingDimensionStrategy react-native-camera, 'general in defaultConfig: section. like this :

     defaultConfig {
       applicationId "com.xxxxxxxxx"
       minSdkVersion rootProject.xx.xxxxxxxxxx
       targetSdkVersion rootProject.xx.xxxxxxxx
       versionCode 1
       versionName "1.0"
       missingDimensionStrategy 'react-native-camera', 'general' //add this line

Make an instance

Instance can be made in two ways. First is by using clientId and secretKey, other one is by providing accessToken.
You can read more about accessToken here


In order to get verified, customers will have themselves verified through their mobile phones. They will do it through the merchant's mobile application. Merchant will collect the information and send us the data for verification. The Merchant shall provide us with the proofs(Videos). We will not collect them directly from the user.

  • With OCR

In verification with OCR, it means that the merchant has not provided us proofs (images/videos) and also no data in some keys. In this verification Shufti Pro will perform extraction of data from those proofs and finally verify the data.

export const verificationObj = {  
    reference: "Unique reference",  
    country: "GB",  
    language: "EN",  
    email: "",  
    callback_url: "",  
    redirect_url: "",
    show_consent: 1,
    show_results: 1,
    show_privacy_policy: 1,
    face: true,  
    document: {  
             name: {  
                 first_name: "",  
                 last_name: "",  
                 middle_name: ""  
             dob: "",  
             document_number: "",  
             expiry_date: "",  
             issue_date: "",  
             fetch_enhanced_data: "",
             gender: "",
             backside_proof_required: "0",
    document_two: {  
             name: {  
                 first_name: "",  
                 last_name: "",  
                 middle_name: ""  
             dob: "",  
             document_number: "",  
             expiry_date: "",  
             issue_date: "",  
             fetch_enhanced_data: "",
             gender: "",
             backside_proof_required: "0",
    address: {  
              full_address: "",  
              name: {  
                    first_name: "",  
                    last_name: "",  
                    middle_name: "",  
                    fuzzy_match: ""  
              supported_types: ["id_card", "utility_bill", "bank_statement"],
              backside_proof_required: "0",
   consent: {  
              supported_types: ['printed'],
              text: "This is a customized text"  


  • Without OCR

In verification without OCR, merchant gives us the data in keys as well as all the proofs required then Shufti Pro just have to verify the data. No customer interaction takes place in this kind of verification.

export const verificationObj = {  
    reference: "Unique reference",  
    country: "GB",  
    language: "EN",  
    email: "",  
    callback_url: "", 
    redirect_url: "", 
    show_consent: 1,
    show_results: 1,
    show_privacy_policy: 1,
    face: true,  
    document: {  
             name: {  
                 first_name: "John",  
                 last_name: "Carter",  
                 middle_name: "Doe"  
             dob: "1992-10-10",  
             document_number: "2323-5629-5465-9990",  
             expiry_date: "2025-10-10",  
             issue_date: "2015-10-10",  
             fetch_enhanced_data: "1",
             gender: "m",
             backside_proof_required: "0",
    document_two: {  
             name: {  
                 first_name: "John",  
                 last_name: "Carter",  
                 middle_name: "Doe"  
             dob: "1992-10-10",  
             document_number: "2323-5629-5465-9990",  
             expiry_date: "2025-10-10",  
             issue_date: "2015-10-10",  
             fetch_enhanced_data: "1",
             gender: "m",
             backside_proof_required: "0",
    address: {  
              full_address: "3339 Maryland Avenue, Largo, Florida",  
              name: {  
                    first_name: "John",  
                    last_name: "Carter",  
                    middle_name: "Doe",  
                    fuzzy_match: "1",
                    backside_proof_required: "0",
              supported_types: ["id_card", "utility_bill", "bank_statement"],  
     consent: {  
             supported_types: ["printed"],  
             text: "This is a customized text"  



  • with accessToken

           console.log("Response : ", response)
         onResponseOkayButton={()=>{console.log("Okay Btn")}}
         cancelBtn={()=>{console.log("Cancel Btn")}}
  • with Client Id and Secret Key

           console.log("Response : ", response)
         onResponseOkayButton={()=>{console.log("Okay Btn")}}
         cancelBtn={()=>{console.log("Cancel Btn")}}
         basicAuth={{client_id:KEYS.BASIC_AUTH_UNAME,secret_key:KEYS.BASIC_AUTH_PWD }}

Asyncronous Feedback

If async value is set to true you'll instantly get the user's control back so you don't have to wait for the verification results. When a request is completed you'll automatically get a callback.

async = true

Verification Mode

This parameter specifies the types of proof that can be used for verification. If verificationMode value is set to image SDK will be capturing images. However by default it capture images as proofs for verification.

verificationMode = "image"

Verification Object Parameters

It is important to note here that each verification option offered by Shufti Pro is an exclusive service, and is activated following the nature of user’s request. Clients can choose one or all of the optional API keys.

In case a key is given in document and address verification, and no value is provided, then OCR will be performed for those particular keys.

  • reference

    Required: Yes Type: string Minimum: 6 characters Maximum: 250 characters

    This is the unique reference ID of request, which we will send you back with each response, so you can verify the request. Only alphanumeric values are allowed. This reference can be used to get status of already performed verification requests.

  • country

    Required: No Type: string Length: 2 characters

    Send the 2 characters long ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of where your customer is from. Please consult Supported Countries for country codes.

  • language

    Required: No Type: string Length: 2 characters

    Send the 2 characters long language code of your preferred language to display the verification screens accordingly. Please consult Supported Languages for language codes. Default language english will be selected if this key is missing in the request.

  • email

    Required: No Type: string Minimum: 6 characters Maximum: 128 characters

    This field represents email of the end-user.

  • callback_url

    Required: No Type: string Minimum: 6 characters Maximum: 250 characters

    During a verification request, we make several server to server calls to keep you updated about the verification state. This way you can update the request status at your end even if the customer is lost midway through the process.

  • show_privacy_policy

    Required: No
    Type: Bool
    Accepted Values: 0, 1

    This key specifies if privacy policy must be shown to the user or not. If show_privacy_policy is 0, then privacy policy is not shown. If it is 1, privacy policy is displayed to the user on the result screen.

  • show_results

    Required: No
    Type: Bool
    Accepted Values: 0, 1

    This key specifies whether the verification results will be displayed to the user or not. .If show_results is 0, then verification results are not shown to the user and sent to the merchant. If show_results is 1, then verification results are shown to the user.

  • show_consent

    Required: No
    Type: Bool
    Accepted Values: 0, 1

    This key specifies if the consent is shown to the user or not. If show_consent is 0, then consent screen is not shown to the user. If show_consent is 1, then consent is shown to the user at the start of the verification.

  • open_webview

    Required: No
    Type: Bool
    Accepted Values: true, false

    This boolean type of parameter is used to identify if you want to perform verification in its hybrid view. If open_webview is true, it means that the user wants verification in hybrid view. If false, then the user wants verification with OCR or Without OCR. The value is false by default.

  • face

    The easiest of all verifications is done by authenticating the face of the users. In case of face verification, end-user will have to capture video of their face that essentially makes it a selfie verification.

    For face verification just add the key "face" in data dictionary as "face": true

  • Document or Document 2

    Shufti Pro provides document verification through various types of documents. The supported formats are passports, ID Cards, driving licenses and debit/credit cards. You can opt for more than 1 document type as well.

    For document verification just add key "document" in data dictionary. Here are the additional keys for document

    • supported_types

      Required: No Type: Array

      Supported Types

      Example 1 ["driving_license"]

      Example 2 ["id_card", "credit_or_debit_card", "passport"]

    • name

      Required: No Type: object

      For a name verification, first_name field is required.

      Example 1 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe" }

      Example 2 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe", "fuzzy_match" : "1"}


      Required: Yes Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 32 chracters Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example John'O Harra


      Required: No Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 32 chracters Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example Carter-Joe


      Required: No Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 32 chracters

      Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example John, Huricane Jr.

    • fuzzy_match

      Required: No Type: string Value Accepted: 1

      Provide 1 for enabling a fuzzy match of the name. Enabling fuzzy matching attempts to find a match which is not a 100% accurate.

    • dob

      Required: No Type: string Format: yyyy-mm-dd

      Provide a valid date. Please note that the date should be before today. Example 1990-12-31

    • document_number

      Required: No Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 100 chracters

      Allowed Characters are numbers, alphabets, dots, dashes, spaces, underscores and commas. Examples 35201-0000000-0, ABC1234XYZ098

    • issue_date

      Required: No Type: string Format: yyyy-mm-dd

      Provide a valid date. Please note that the date should be before today. Example 2015-12-31

    • expiry_date

      Required: No Type: string Format: yyyy-mm-dd

      Provide a valid date. Please note that the date should be after today. Example 2025-12-31

    • fetch_enhanced_data

      Required: No Type: string Accepted value: 1

      Provide 1 for enabling enhanced data extraction for the document. Shufti Pro provides its customers with the facility of extracting enhanced data features using OCR technology. Now, instead of extracting just personal information input fields, Shufti Pro can fetch all the additional information comprising more than 100 data points from the official ID documents supporting 150 languages. For example height, place_of_birth, nationality, marital_status, weight, etc.(additional charges apply)

      Extrated data will be returned in object under the key additional_data in case of verification.accepted or verification.declined.

      For Details on additional_data object go to Additional Data

  • address

    Address of an individual can be verified from the document. For address verification just add key "address" in data dictionary. Here are the additional keys for address

    • supported_types

      Required: No Type: Array

      Supported Types

      Example 1 [ "utility_bill" ] Example 2 [ "id_card", "bank_statement" ]

    • full_address

      Required: No Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 250 chracters

      Allowed Characters are numbers, alphabets, dots, dashes, spaces, underscores, hashes and commas.

    • name

      Required: No Format object Name verification from an address image, provide first_name as necessary.

      Example 1 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe" } Example 2 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe", "fuzzy_match" : "1"}


      Required: No Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 32 chracters

      Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example John'O Harra


      Required: No Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 32 chracters

      Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example Carter-Joe


      Required: No Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 32 chracters

      Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example John, Huricane Jr.

    • fuzzy_match

      Required: No Type: string Value Accepted: 1

      Provide 1 for enabling a fuzzy match of the name. Enabling fuzzy matching attempts to find a match which is not a 100% accurate.

  • consent

Customised documents/notes can also be verified by Shufti Pro. Company documents, employee cards or any other personalised note can be authenticated by this module. You can choose handwritten or printed document format but only one form of document can be verified in this verification module. Text whose presence on the note/customized document is to be verified, is also needed to be provided.

For consent verification just add key "consent" in data dictionary. Here are the additional keys for consent

  • supported_types

    Required: No Type: string

    Text provided in the consent verification can be verified by handwritten documents or printed documents. If “any” is mentioned in the format parameter, then user can verify provided note using either of these two documents. Mention only one format from the following list.


    Example 1 "printed" Example 2 "any"

  • text

    Required: Yes Type: string Minimum: 2 characters Maximum: 100 chracters

    Provide text in the string format which will be verified from a given proof.

  • phone

Verify the phone number of end-users by sending a random code to their number from Shufti Pro. Once the sent code is entered into the provided field by end-user, a phone number will stand verified. It is primarily an on-site verification and you have to provide phone number of the end-user to us, in addition to the verification code and the message that is to be forwarded to the end-user. Shufti Pro will be responsible only to send the message along with verification code to the end-user and verify the code entered by the end-user.

  • phone_number

Required: No
Type: string
Minimum: 2 characters
Maximum: 64 chracters

Allowed Characters: numbers and plus sign at the beginning. Provide a valid customer’s phone number with country code. Shufti Pro will directly ask the end-user for phone number if this field is missing or empty.

  • random_code

Required: No
Type: string
Minimum: 2 characters
Maximum: 10 chracters

Provide a random code. If this field is missing or empty. Shufti Pro will generate a random code.

  • text

Required: No
Type: string
Minimum: 2 characters
Maximum: 100 chracters

Provide a short description and random code in this field. This message will be sent to customers. This field should contain random_code. If random_code field is empty then Shufti Pro will generate a random code and append the code with this message at the end.

  • background_checks

It is a verification process that will require you to send us the full Name of end-user in addition to the date of birth. Shufti Pro will perform AML based background checks based on this information. Please note that the name and dob keys will be extracted from document service if these keys are empty.

  • name

Required: No
Format: object

In name object used in background checks service, first_name is required and other fields are optional.

  • first_name

Required: No
Type: string
Minimum: 2 characters
Maximum: 32 chracters

Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example John'O Harra

  • middle_name

Required: No
Type: string
Minimum: 2 characters
Maximum: 32 chracters

Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark.
Example Carter-Joe

  • last_name

Required: No
Type: string
Minimum: 2 characters
Maximum: 32 chracters

Allowed Characters are alphabets, - (dash), comma, space, dot and single quotation mark. Example John, Huricane Jr.

  • dob

Required: No
Type: string
Format: yyyy-mm-dd

Provide a valid date. Please note that the date should be before today. Example 1990-12-31

Response Status Codes

Shufti Pro Verification API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Every response is generated in JSON with a specific HTTP code.

HTTP Codes

Following is a list of HTTP codes which are generated in responses by Shufti Pro Verification API.

HTTP code HTTP message Message
200 OK success
400 Bad Request bad request: one or more parameter is invalid or missing
401 Unauthorized unauthorized: invalid signature key provided in the request
402 Request Failed invalid request data: missing required parameters
403 Forbidden forbidden: service not allowed
404 Not Found resource not found
409 Conflict conflicting data: already exists
500 Server Error internal server error


Events are sent in responses which show the status of request. These events are sent in both HTTP and callback responses.

Event description HTTP Response Callback Response
request.pending Request parameters are valid and verification url is generated in case of on-site verification. Yes Yes
request.invalid Request parameters provided in request are invalid. Yes Yes
request.cancelled Request is cancelled by the user. This event occurs when end-user disagrees to terms and conditions before starting verifications. Yes Yes
request.timeout Request has timed out after a specific period of time. No Yes
request.unauthorized Request is unauthorized. The information provided in authorization header is invalid. Yes No
verification.accepted Request was valid and accepted after verification. Yes Yes
verification.declined Request was valid and declined after verification. Yes Yes

Sample project setup

In Mode/VerificationSelector.js add your Client ID on line 17 and Secret Key on line 18, thats it!

Note: Run project on real device.

Test IDs

Shufti Pro provides the users with a number of test documents. Customers may use these to test the demo, instead of presenting their actual information.


If you have any questions/queries regarding implementation SDK please feel free to contact our tech support.


2017-21 © Shufti Pro Ltd.

Revision History

Date Description
11 Mar 2021 Update design and add extra functionality
19 May 2021 Improve user experience
27 May 2021 UI Update and improve user experience

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npm i react-native-shuftipro-kyc

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  • shuftiprosdk