An <Overlay />
component that brings content inside to the front of the view regardless of its current position in the component tree. This was extracted from react-native-modal because a modal is not the only time that you want to bring something to the front of the screen.
Should you use this?
Ideally, no. This should probably only be used as a last resort. You can usually accomplish what you need to by just absolute positioning an view at the bottom of your root component.
In fact, as of 0.29.0 zIndex is supported on iOS and Android, so you should probably never use this.
Add it to your project
- Run
npm install react-native-overlay --save
- Open your project in XCode, right click on
and clickAdd Files to "Your Project Name"
(Screenshot) then (Screenshot). - Add
toBuild Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
(Screenshot). - Whenever you want to use it within React code now you can:
var Overlay = require('react-native-overlay');
Example - Loading Overlay
This shows how you might implement a loading overlay and uses
react-native-blur to blur
the background. Notice that all we need to do is wrap the content that
we want to bring to the front in an Overlay
var React = ;var Overlay = ;var BlurView = BlurView; var View ActivityIndicatorIOS StyleSheet = React; var LoadingOverlay = React; var styles = StyleSheet moduleexports = LoadingOverlay;
Elsewhere in our app, we can render this:
var LoadingOverlayExampleApp = React;
This would produce something like this:
You can try this code yourself by cloning this repo and running
Example - Toast
There are so many other types of overlays but I thought I'd give another simple example to stir your imagination.
Check it out in Examples/Toast