React Native Navigation V2 Boilerplate
A simple cli to scaffold your React Native Navigation V2 app fast and hybrid mobile app development.
npm install -g react-native-navigation-boilerplate
Getting Started
After installing the package as a global executable. You will be able to use "react-native-boilerplate" command to generate new React Native Navigation boilerplate.
react-native-boilerplate <appName>
this will ask you project name, bundle identifier and path for project and generate a fresh project.
With custom Bundle Identifier
react-native-boilerplate <appName> -b <bundleIdentifier>
react-native-boilerplate "SampleApp"
With custom Bundle Identifier
react-native-boilerplate "SampleApp" -b
Follow following steps to run project:-
After generating project move to projectDirectory using
$ cd ProjectName $ yarn
For Android Run Project using
$ react-native run-android
For iOS : open xCodeProject and in menu click on product select Scheme ==> Edit Scheme ==> Build
- In build option un-check Parallelize Build
- Now click on + icon at left bottom corner and add react as target
- Open project in xCode and build it once
- then Install third party library using following commands
$ cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.5 && ../../scripts/ && cd ../../../../
if you are using xcode >10 then change build system to "legacy build system"
Run the project
$ react-native run-ios
React-Native-Boilerplate Structure
├── ios
├── android
|-- modified_modules
├── src
│ ├── actionTypes
│ │ └── index.js
│ ├── actions
│ │ ├── auth
│ │ └── dashboard
│ ├── assets
│ │ ├── img
│ │ └── fonts
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── common
│ │ └── dashboard
│ ├── config
│ │ └── navigation.js
│ │ └── routes.js
│ ├── constants
│ │ ├── fonts.js
│ │ └── images.js
│ ├── containers
│ │ ├── auth
│ │ └── dashboard
│ │── helpers
│ │ ├── events.js
│ │ └── restCall.js
│ │── reducers
│ │ ├── auth
│ │ └── dashboard
│ │── store
│ │── utilities
│ │ ├── backHandling.js
├── app.json
├── index.js
├── package.json
Pre-Installed Packages
- lodash
- react
- react-native
- react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
- react-native-linear-gradient
- react-native-navigation
- react-native-vector-icons
- react-redux
- redux
- redux-immutable-state-invariant
- redux-logger
- redux-persist
- redux-thunk
- seamless-immutable
- babel-preset-react-native (dev)
- jest (dev)
- eslint (dev)
- eslint-plugin-react (dev)
- husky (dev)
- lint-staged (dev)
- prettier (dev)
(dev) Indicates its a Developer Dependency
Suraj Sanwal