A declarative cross-platform react-native datetime-picker.
This library exposes a cross-platform interface for showing the native date-picker and time-picker inside a modal, providing a unified user and developer experience.
Under the hood this library is using react-native-modal for the iOS modal implementation.
Hey 👋!
The react-native date and time pickers have recently been moved to a new @react-native-community
If you're installing react-native-modal-datetime-picker
for the first time it is highly recommended to install the new latest pre-release, which is compatible with the @react-native-community
To do so, please follow this instructions and ignore all the steps below.
If you're a long-time react-native-modal-datetime-picker
user, please notice that there are some breaking changes in the new release.
For more info please see #301.
V7 (Stable version) Instructions
Install the library using npm or yarn:
# using npm $ npm install react-native-modal-datetime-picker --save # using yarn $ yarn add react-native-modal-datetime-picker
;;; { superprops; thisstate = isDateTimePickerVisible: false ; } { this; }; { this; }; { console; this; }; { return <> <Button title="Show DatePicker" onPress=thisshowDateTimePicker /> <DateTimePicker isVisible=thisstateisDateTimePickerVisible onConfirm=thishandleDatePicked onCancel=thishideDateTimePicker /> </> ; }
Available props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cancelTextIOS | string | 'Cancel' | The text on the cancel button on iOS |
cancelTextStyle | style | The style of the cancel button text on iOS | |
confirmTextIOS | string | 'Confirm' | The text on the confirm button on iOS |
confirmTextStyle | style | The style of the confirm button text on iOS | |
customCancelButtonIOS | node | A custom component for the cancel button on iOS | |
customConfirmButtonIOS | node | A custom component for the confirm button on iOS | |
customDatePickerIOS | node | A custom component that will replace the default DatePicker on iOS (Example) | |
customTitleContainerIOS | node | A custom component for the title container on iOS | |
date | obj | new Date() | Initial selected date/time |
datePickerContainerStyleIOS | style | The style of the container on iOS | |
datePickerModeAndroid | string | 'default' | Display as 'spinner' or 'calendar' or 'default' (based on Android version) |
dismissOnBackdropPressIOS | bool | true | Dismiss the picker on backdrop press (on iOS)? |
hideTitleContainerIOS | bool | false | If true, hide the modal title container on iOS |
is24Hour | bool | true | If false, the picker shows an AM/PM chooser on Android |
isDarkModeEnabled | bool | false | Is the dark mode enabled? |
isVisible | bool | false | Show the datetime picker? |
maximumDate | Date | undefined | Max Date. Does not work with 'time' picker on Android |
minimumDate | Date | undefined | Min Date. Does not work with 'time' picker on Android |
minuteInterval | number | 1 | Interval for time picker on iOS |
mode | string | 'datetime' | Choose between 'date', 'time', and 'datetime' |
neverDisableConfirmIOS | bool | false | If true, do not disable the confirm button on any touch events; see #82 |
onCancel | func | REQUIRED | Function called on dismiss |
onConfirm | func | REQUIRED | Function called on date or time picked. It returns the date or time as a JavaScript Date object |
onHideAfterConfirm | func | () => {} | Called after the hiding animation if a date was picked |
pickerRefCb | func | Called after picker has mounted, contains a ref | |
reactNativeModalPropsIOS | object | Additional props for react-native-modal on iOS | |
timePickerModeAndroid | string | 'default' | Display as 'spinner' or 'clock' or 'default' (based on Android version) |
titleIOS | string | 'Pick a date' | The title text on iOS |
titleStyle | style | The style of the title text on iOS |
All the DatePickerIOS props are also supported!
Frequently Asked Questions
The component is not working as expected
Under the hood react-native-modal-datetime-picker
uses react-native original DatePickerAndroid, TimePickerAndroid and DatePickerIOS.
Before reporting a bug, try swapping react-native-datetime-picker
with react-native original date/time pickers and, if the issue persists, check if it has already been reported as a react-native issue.
How can I show the timepicker instead of the datepicker?
Just set the mode
prop to time
You can also display both the datepicker and the timepicker in one step by setting the mode
prop to datetime
Why is the selected start date being shown in the input field of the end date?
If you have both a start date/time and end date/time picker on the same screen, you will need to have showDateTimePicker
, hideDateTimePicker
, and handleDatePicked
functions for both.
this; this; this; this; { console; this;}; { console; this;};
How do I change the color of the Android date and time pickers?
This is more a React-Native specific question than a react-native-modal-datetime-picker one.
See issue #29 and #106 for some solutions.
How to set 24 hours in iOS ?
The is24Hour
prop is only available on Android but you can use a small hack for enabling it on iOS by setting the picker timezone to en_GB
<DatePicker mode="time" locale="en_GB" // Use "en_GB" here date=/>
How to set automatic locale in iOS
Datepicker can adjust by itself locale (fr_FR
, en_GB
...) depending user's device locale.
Edit your AppDelegate.m
file, and add:
// Force DatePicker locale to current language (for: 24h or 12h format, full day names etc...) NSString *currentLanguage = ;;
I can't see the picker on iOS / the picker is white on iOS
You're app is probably running in dark mode, which is not supported by React-Native for the pickers yet.
For a workaround, see the "Is the iOS dark mode supported?" section below 👇
Is the iOS dark mode supported?
iOS 13 dark mode is not supported out-of-the-box yet and requires a bit of manual setup:
- Install and link react-native-appearance
- Use it to detect the device color scheme:
const colorScheme = Appearance.getColorScheme();
- Use the color scheme to enable/disable the
dark mode trough theisDarkModeEnabled
prop:isDarkModeEnabled: colorScheme === 'dark'
How do I make it work with snapshot testing?
See issue #216 for a possible workaround.
Please see the contributing guide.
The library is released under the MIT license. For more information see LICENSE