Component implementation for Bluetooth SIG Mesh SDK of Telink.
For RN >= 0.60 and Android SDK >= 31 , must
npm i --save react-native-btsig-telink
For RN >= 0.60 and Android SDK >= 29 but < 31 , also can
npm i --save react-native-btsig-telink@2.x
For RN >= 0.60 and Android SDK < 29 , must
npm i --save react-native-btsig-telink@1.2.x
For RN < 0.60 , must
npm i --save react-native-btsig-telink@1.0.x
For RN < 0.60, need files edited below:
In android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation project(':react-native-btsig-telink')
In android/app/src/main/java/com/YourProject/
import com.telink.sig.mesh.TelinkBtSigPackage;
new TelinkBtSigPackage(),
In android/settings.gradle
include ':react-native-btsig-telink'
project(':react-native-btsig-telink').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-btsig-telink/android')
cd ios
pod install
For RN < 0.60, add below in ios/Podfile
before pod install
pod 'RNBtSigTelink', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-btsig-telink'
import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import meshModule from 'react-native-btsig-telink';
export default class MeshModuleExample extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
meshModule.passthroughMode = {
silan: [
sllc: [
componentDidMount() {
meshModule.addListener('leScan', this.onLeScan);
meshModule.netKey = YOUR_16_BYTES_NETKEY;
meshModule.appKey = YOUR_16_BYTES_APPKEY;
// you can save data comes from (provision then bind function) meshModule.configNode()
// Promise into devicesSavedInRedux after onLeScan() , then `meshModule.devices = devicesSavedInRedux`
// here befor meshModule.doInit() so that can auto connect them after APP restart.
// // devicesSavedInRedux = [{
// // meshAddress: 1,
// // macAddress: 'AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL',
// // elementCnt: 2,
// // dhmKey: [12, 34, 56...],
// // nodeInfo: [12, 34, 56, ...]
// // }];
// meshModule.devices = devicesSavedInRedux;
// if you want 8KB/s not 42B/s
// also need change firmware:
// set EXTENDED_ADV_ENABLE to 1 in `vendor/common/mesh_config.h`
// (maybe) let is_not_use_extend_adv() return 0 in `vendor/common/mesh_node.c`
// change JS here:
// meshModule.extendBearerMode = meshModule.EXTEND_BEARER_MODE.GATT_ADV;
isSingleNode: false, // if true, will stop scan after found one device
timeoutSeconds: 10,
onLeScan = data => {
// if you want data.productUUID here is same with your device's PID, you
// should enable `PROVISION_FLOW_SIMPLE_EN` in your device's firmware code.
render() {
return (
Please discover more in index.native.js
If you want fastBind, you can copy PrivateDevice.js
to create your own and modify, then put PrivateDevice.filterWithPid(PID).cpsData
into configNode({cpsData})
, here PID
comes from productUUID
with startScan()
You also need enable PROVISION_FLOW_SIMPLE_EN
in firmware code.
The provision + bind time of 1 device, in telink sdk 3.1.0
, with fastBind is 7s and without fastBind is 20s, but in telink sdk
, with or without fastBind is almost the same 7s, so the fastBind is not important now, only except that you want data.productUUID in onLeScan
to be same with your device's PID then you only need enable PROVISION_FLOW_SIMPLE_EN
in firmware code.
is based on telink sdk 3.1.0
and @3.x
is based on telink sdk
suggest useAddressesInsteadOfGroup but default still false.
let useAddressesInsteadOfGroup default true.
Use PrivateDevice.js
instead of
and DeviceTypeModel
on iOS, ref to fastBind above.
is not working by default, ref to the comments of canMeshOta =
To keep data usage after APP upgrade from react-native-btsig-telink@1.x
based to react-native-btsig-telink@2.x
based, data comes from (provision then bind function) configNode()
still use nodeInfo
, ref to NodeInfo.js
which comes from react-native-btsig-telink@1.x/android/src/main/java/com/telink/sig/mesh/model/
When device A is 3.1.0
and device B is
, direct connected is device B, if APP is 3.1.0
, then sendCommand({meshAddress: 0xFFFF})
can't affect (mesh to) device B, but it's OK if APP is
Below table: despite is_not_use_extend_adv()
return 0 or not; "delay_while" means user business code use while
loop as precise delay; "bytes" means MeshMessage.params
; "2nd device" means not direct connected device; 8KB/s and 42B/s tested by 300 bytes, no 8KB/s or 42B/s means "2 devices" not controlled.
PS: test also found, despite is_not_use_extend_adv()
return 0 or not, not only not affect 8KB/s test result with 300 bytes, but also not affect OTA speed is still so high.
2 devices\APP | GATT_ADV | GATT_NONE | 3.1.0 |
---|---|---|---| without EXTENDED_ADV_ENABLE | 8KB/s; 2nd device not controlled if delay_while too often | 42B/s; 2nd device delay 3s if delay_while too often | 2 devices not controlled if == 300 bytes; 2nd device not controlled even delay_while not often | with EXTENDED_ADV_ENABLE | 8KB/s; 2nd device delay 3s if delay_while too often | 42B/s; 2nd device delay 3s if delay_while too often, and 2nd device not controlled if == 300 bytes | 2 devices not controlled if == 300 bytes; 2nd device not controlled even delay_while not often |
3.1.0 | 2nd device not controlled if delay_while too often, and 2 devices not controlled if == 300 bytes | 42B/s | 42B/s |
如下表格: 无关乎 is_not_use_extend_adv()
是否返回 0 ;"delay_while" 意为用户业务代码中用 while
死循环作为精确延时; “字节”意为 MeshMessage.params
;“第 2 个设备”意指非直连设备; 8KB/s 和 42B/s 都是使用 300 字节来测试的,如果不存在 8KB/s 或 42B/s 则表明“ 2 个设备”都不受控。
2 个设备\APP | GATT_ADV | GATT_NONE | 3.1.0 |
---|---|---|---| 禁用 EXTENDED_ADV_ENABLE | 8KB/s; 如果 delay_while 太频繁则第 2 个设备不受控 | 42B/s; 如果 delay_while 太频繁则第 2 个设备延后 3s 受控 | 如果 == 300 字节则 2 个设备都不受控; 甚至 delay_while 不频繁时第 2 个设备也不受控 | 使用 EXTENDED_ADV_ENABLE | 8KB/s; 如果 delay_while 太频繁则第 2 个设备延后 3s 受控 | 42B/s; 如果 delay_while 太频繁则第 2 个设备延后 3s 受控,且如果此时 == 300 字节则第 2 个设备不受控 | 如果 == 300 字节则 2 个设备都不受控; 甚至 delay_while 不频繁时第 2 个设备也不受控 |
3.1.0 | 如果 delay_while 太频繁则第 2 个设备不受控,且如果此时 == 300 字节则 2 个设备都不受控 | 42B/s | 42B/s |
另:测试还发现,无关乎 is_not_use_extend_adv()
是否返回 0 ,除了不会影响 300 字节时测得 8KB/s ,而且也不会影响 OTA 速度仍然那么快。
To solve the problem of "2nd device delay 3s if delay_while too often", you should put
besides your delay_while code.
Because blt_sdk_main_loop()
itself also cost some time, maybe you prefer mesh_send_adv_in_connected()
extern u32 adv_in_conn_tick;
extern u32 blt_advExpectTime;
void mesh_send_adv_in_connected()
if (BLS_LINK_STATE_CONN == blt_state) {
if (clock_time_exceed(adv_in_conn_tick, 10 * 1000)) {
adv_in_conn_tick = clock_time();
} else if ((u32)(clock_time() - blt_advExpectTime) < BIT(31) && !blc_tlkEvent_pending ) {
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