Independent geolocation autocomplete component based on Mapbox
Mapbox Geo API
Maintained and Developed By: Localvore Today
The component uses mapbox api to autocompelete cities and states without mapbox maps. It's designed to be extremely light weight and simple to use.
Change Log
version 0.2.3
Upgrade to React es6 class implmentation and updated babel presets
version 0.2.2
Bug fixes for search results when resetSearch is false
version 0.2.0
Add the ability to prepopulate the input field using the query param
Resetting the input after selection is now optional
Added lat, lng, and text to
React 15+
Mapbox Account + API Key
react-mapbox-autocomplete is designed to be agnostic of environment. Works with any data store(redux, flux, etc) and is compiled to vanilla javascript to work with any version of ES.
npm install react-mapbox-autocomplete
Available PropTypes
inputClass:Optional(String):Used for passing bootstrap or other classes for input styling
onSuggestionSelect:Required(Func):For handling suggestion selections
query:Optional(String):Pre-populate search field
resetSearch:Optional(Boolean): Default is false. Resets the input field after suggestion select
Retriving Suggestion Information
you can retrive the event data by targeting as seen in the example below.
; { console} <MapboxAutocomplete publicKey='Your Mapbox Public Key' inputClass='form-control search' onSuggestionSelect=this_suggestionSelect country='us' resetSearch=false/>
You can style the following classes as you see fit.
- Tests
- Implement JEST
- Test: each function and render
- Add Examples
- add examples to project in a folder called "Examples"
- Add all query params as Props
- implement the remainder of query params from
If you would like to contribute to react-mapbox-autocomplete fork the project and submit a pull request.