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1.0.0 • Public • Published


react-interactive-tour is a lightweight and highly customizable library for creating interactive guided tours in your ReactJs and NextJs applications. Enhance user onboarding and feature discovery with step-by-step instructions and visually appealing tour components.


npm install react-interactive-tour


yarn add react-interactive-tour

Key Features:

  • Easy to Use: Simple component to create tours quickly.

  • Highly Customizable: Customize the look and feel to match your application's design.

  • Flexible Positioning: Position tooltips relative to elements with various options.

  • Responsive Design: Ensure tours look great on all devices.

  • Step Control: Control the flow of the tour with next, previous, and finish actions.

How to use:

Wrap entire react app into ReactTourProvider component :

import MyCom from './Components/MyCom'
import ReactTourProvider from 'react-interactive-tour';

function App() {

  return (
        <ReactTourProvider cache={true}>
            <MyCom / >

export default App


Property Type Required Default Value Description
backgroundColor string No #fff Background color of the tour overlay.
buttonTextColor string No #4285f4 Text color of the tour navigation buttons.
buttonBackgroundColor string No #4285f4 Background color of the tour navigation buttons.
cache boolean Yes false Determines if the tour state should be cached.
children ReactElement Yes - The content or components that the provider wraps.

Wrap ReactTour component to your component:

import ReactTour from 'react-interactive-tour';
import {ShimmerButton} from "shimmer-effect-react";

function Page() {

  return (
        <ReactTour index={0} position='top' body={<div><strong>React Interactive Tour</strong><br />Welcome to react interactive tour.</div>}>
            <ShimmerButton size='lg' mode="light" />

export default Page


Property Type Required Default Value Description
index number Yes - The step index in the tour sequence.
position "top" | "right" | "bottom" | "left" Yes - The position of the tooltip relative to the target element.
body ReactElement Yes - The content to display in the tooltip.
children ReactElement Yes - The target element around which the tooltip will be displayed.

More Features Coming Soon:

Stay tuned for exciting updates and expansions to the react-interactive-tour library! Our team is hard at work developing additional components and features to further enhance your experience with react tour in React applications. Keep an eye on our roadmap for upcoming releases, and be the first to explore new functionalities as they become available.

Contributions and Feedback:

We welcome contributions, bug reports, and feature requests from the community. Whether you're interested in submitting a pull request, reporting a bug, or sharing your ideas for enhancements, your input is invaluable in shaping the future of the react-interactive-tour library. Thank you for your support and collaboration!

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  • ranahardik28