Singleton lazy loading wrapper around facebook/react.
A single instance of React
React does not currently co-exist well with other instances of React in the same environment (see #3252, #2402).
We propose that Atom package developers wanting to use React require this package instead of other variants of React. react-for-atom
, ReactDOM
, and all of React's addons.
Using CommonJS
const createFragment CSSTransitionGroup LinkedStateMixin Perf PureRenderMixin React ReactDOM ReactDOMServer shallowCompare TestUtils TransitionGroup update = ; // optionalconst PropTypes = React;
Using (babel transpiled) ES Modules
// React is the default export; // Or, it's also available as a named export;
We plan to closely track the React release cycle in order to be able to use the latest features as well as provide access to React API warnings (in atom --dev
Lazy loading
Only when a property is looked up on the react-for-atom
export is that module actually require
const ReactForAtom = ; // `react` is actually required hereconst React = ReactForAtom; // `TestUtils` is actually required hereconst TestUtils = ReactForAtom;
Prior to 0.14.6
, react-for-atom
version numbers were loosely related to the React version in dependencies
. From that version onward, the version of react-for-atom
matches the React version.
Changes to react-for-atom
are reflected in pre-release versions (e.g. 0.14.6-1
). From a semver perspective, this doesn't make sense. However, because you should pin the version of react-for-atom
anyway, this is a clear workaround for conveying React versioning info.