yarn add react-extra-hooks
- usePromise
- useLazyPromise
- useDebounce
- useLocalStorage
import { usePromise } from 'react-extra-hooks'import React from 'react' const sleep = (t) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, t)) async function pp() { await sleep(400) return { x: 9, }} const App = () => { const { result, loading, error } = usePromise(pp) if (loading) { return <>loading</> } return <div>{result?.x}</div>}
import { useLazyPromise } from 'react-extra-hooks'import React from 'react' const sleep = (t) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, t)) async function effect() { await sleep(400) alert('executed') return { x: 9, }} const UseLazyPromiseExample = () => { const [execute, { result, loading, error }] = useLazyPromise(pp) if (loading) { return <>loading</> } if (result) { return <div>{result?.x}</div> } return ( <div> <button onClick={execute}>execute promise</button> </div> )}
useLazyPromise with in memory cache, supports the options {promiseId: string, cacheSize: numer, cacheExpirationSeconds: number}
Every useLazyPromise cached the result based on
- the argument passed to the
function - the
option (defaults to the name of the promise)
The cache is invalidated when
- the page is refreshed
- the cacheExpirationSeconds (defaults to 120 secods) times out
- the cache overflows his size (that defaults to 50 elements), the first cached value is discarded
import { useLazyPromise } from 'react-extra-hooks'import React from 'react' const sleep = (t) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, t)) async function effect(n: string) { await sleep(1000) // throw Error('xxx') alert('executed with n=' + n) return { x: n, }} const UseLazyPromiseExample = () => { const [arg, set] = useState('') const [execute, { result, loading, error }] = useLazyPromise(effect, { cache: true, cacheExpirationSeconds: 300, }) if (loading) { return <>loading</> } if (error) { return <div>{error.message}</div> } return ( <div> <input onChange={(e) => set(} value={arg} /> <button onClick={() => execute(arg)}>execute promise</button> <code> <div>{result?.x}</div> </code> </div> )}
Example with delayed argument necessary for the promise
const { query } = useRouter() // null on first renderconst { result, loading, error } = usePromise(query ? asyncFunction : null, { cache: true, args: [query],})
Usage with pagination
import { useLazyPromise } from 'react-extra-hooks'import React from 'react' const sleep = (t) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, t)) const PaginationExample = () => { const [page, setPage] = useState(0) async function loadData(page) { const items = await fetchSomething({ page }) return [...result, ...items] } const { result = [], loading, error } = usePromise(loadData, { args: [page], }) if (!result.length) { return <>loading</> } if (error) { return <div>{error.message}</div> } return ( <div> <span>page: {page}</span> <code> <div> { => ( <div>{x}</div> ))} <button disabled={loading} onClick={() => setPage((x) => x + 1)} > {loading ? 'loading' : 'more'} </button> </div> </code> </div> )} async function fetchSomething({ page }) { await sleep(1000) return Array(10) .fill(page + 10) .map((x, i) => x + i) .map((x) => x.toString())}
Pagination with cursor
const ItemsList = ({}) => { const [after, setAfter] = useState(undefined) const getUserItems = useCallback( async (after): Promise<GetUserItemsQuery['Items']> => { const uid = getUid() const res = await sdk.GetUserItems({ first: 3, after: after, }) const newItems = res?.Items || ({} as any) return { ...newItems, nodes: [...(Items?.nodes || []), ...(newItems?.nodes || [])], } }, [after], ) const { result: Items, loading, error } = usePromise(getUserItems, { cache: true, args: [after], }) const hasItems = !loading && Items?.nodes?.length if (!Items && loading) { return ( <Center> <Spinner /> </Center> ) } if (error) { return ( <Center> <ErrorMessage msg={error?.message} /> </Center> ) } if (!hasItems) { return ( <Col align='center' justify='center' opacity={0.8} h='100%'> <NextLink href='/new'> <Button>Create your first Item</Button> </NextLink> </Col> ) } return ( <Stack spacing={6}> {Items?.nodes?.map((item, i) => ( <ItemCard key={i} data={item} /> ))} {hasItems && Items?.pageInfo?.hasNextPage && ( <Button isLoading={loading} isDisabled={loading} onClick={(e) => setAfter(Items?.pageInfo?.endCursor)} > Load More </Button> )} </Stack> )}
TODO add support for suspense