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0.3.2 • Public • Published

React Drag Hierarchy Tree

NPM version NPM license PRs Welcome

A React component for Drag-and-drop hierarchy tree data.

Table of Contents

Gravação de Tela 2021-10-30 às 02 26 15

Getting started

Install react-drag-hierarchy-tree using npm.

npm install react-drag-hierarchy-tree --save
yarn add react-drag-hierarchy-tree


import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import OrgTreeComponent, { useTree } from 'react-drag-hierarchy-tree';

const data = {
  id: 1,
  label: "President",
  children: [
      id: 2,
      label: "Administrative",
      children: [
          id: 3,
          label: "Director",
          children: [],
      id: 4,
      label: "Finances",
      children: [
          id: 5,
          label: "Seller",
          children: [],

const App = () => {
  const { treeRef } = useTree();

  const onClick = () => {

  return (
      <button onClick={onClick}>close/open</button>
      <OrgTreeComponent data={data} ref={treeRef} horizontal />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


Prop Type
object[] Tree data with the following keys:
id is the primary and unique key.
label is the primary label for the node.
expand shows children of the node if true, or hides them if false. Defaults to false.
style edit styles for the card container for each node.
children is an array of child nodes belonging to the node.
Example: [{id:'uui1', label: 'main'}, { id:'uui1', label: 'main' , expand: true, children: [] }]
You can also add any key you what, thats is useful for the prop renderCard below, where tou can use to personalize your card component
ref Is the ref ussed to get all methods related to the component, you should use the treeRef exported form the useTree hook.
horizontal boolean Set if tree should be horizontal or vertical (default:
renderCard func Ussed to replace the card component. It returns from the function
({ isDragging: bool, label: string, item: {id:string, label:'string'}, isPreviewCard }) => JSX.Element
renderButton func Ussed to replace the button collapse component. It returns from the function.
`({ onClick: (event: MouseEvent) => void, isCollapsed: boolean
collapsable bool If childrens should collapse or not.
expandAll bool If the childrens should start expanded.
strokeColor color Color of line / stroke
strokeWidth string Line width.
1px 2px 3px 4px 5px
cardStyle object Card inline styles CSSProperties`.
buttonBackgroundColor color Collapse button color.

UseTree Hook

This hooks returns a ref that can access many data and helpers by ussing treeRef.current.

  • data: Returns the actual hierarchy data.
  • onExpandNodes: Expands or collapse all node.
  • addChildrenById: Add a children node by id.
  • removeById: Remove a node by id.
  • editById: edit a node by id.
  • findById: Find and return node by id.
  • findParentByChildId: Return parent by child id.
  • nestedObjectToArray: Transform the nested object to an array.
  • arrayToNestedObject: Transform back the array to the nested object.

Pull requests are welcome!



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  • rodrigobanselmo