Webpack/React starter kit
I don't really like create-react-app
too much, it creates a very large project with lots of things you don't need. That may not be too obvious at first, but if you ever decide to eject from it later you'll end up with quite the monstrosity. I prefer minimalistic setups instead. I personally always start off with this configuration every time I start a React project. It offers my idea of the best balance between minimalism and complete configuration.
Installed tooling:
- Webpack 4
- Babel 7
- CSS modules with SASS parsing
- index.html generation
- React.js
- ESLint
- Jest (with file mocks for stylesheets and other files)
- Enzyme
(Preconfigured to work with WallabyJS and Quokka.js in case your editor loads either of them)
Install packages:
npm i
Run dev server with auto reload:
npm run dev
Run production build:
npm run build
Run development build with auto reload:
npm run watch
Run all jest tests:
npm run test
Analyze bundle size:
npm run analyze