Universal Camera component for React.
Designed with focus on Android and iOS cameras. Works with standard webcams as well.
See this for browser compatibility.
Note: WebRTC is only supported on secure connections. So you need to serve it from https. You can test and debug in Chrome from localhost though (this doesn't work in Safari).
- mobile friendly camera solution (tested on iOS and Android)
- video element is fully responsive
- you can setup parameter to cover your container
- you can define aspectRatio of view: 16/9, 4/3, 1/1, ...
- taking photo to base64 jpeg file - with same aspect Ratio as view, with FullHD resolution (or maximum supported by camera).
- set quality of the photo taken as well.
- working with standard webcams or other video input devices
- supports autofocus
- supports torch
- switching between the different front and back cameras.
- detect number of front or back cameras.
- facing camera is mirrored, back is not.
- controlled by react Ref
- public functions to take photo, to switch camera and to get number of cameras
- function to switch flash on/off
- typescript library
npm install --save react-camera-pro-with-torch
import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import {Camera} from "react-camera-pro-with-torch";
const Component = () => {
const camera = useRef(null);
const [image, setImage] = useState(null);
return (
<Camera ref={camera} />
<button onClick={() => setImage(camera.current.takePhoto())}>Take photo</button>
<img src={image} alt='Taken photo'/>
export Component;
prop | type | default | notes |
facingMode | 'front'|'back' |
'front' |
default camera - 'front' |
aspectRatio | 'cover'|number |
'cover' |
aspect ratio of video (16/9, 4/3); |
numberOfFrontCamerasCallback | (numberOffrontCameras: number):void |
() => null |
callback is called if number of cameras change |
numberOfBackCamerasCallback | (numberOfbackCameras: number):void |
() => null |
callback is called if number of cameras change |
errorMessages |
object? see below |
see below | Error messages object (optional) |
pictureQuality | number |
0.9 |
number between 0 and 1, sets the image quality |
errorMessages: {
noCameraAccessible?: string;
permissionDenied?: string;
switchCamera?: string;
canvas?: string;
noCameraAccessible: 'No camera device accessible. Please connect your camera or try a different browser.',
permissionDenied: 'Permission denied. Please refresh and give camera permission.',
'It is not possible to switch camera to different one because there is only one video device accessible.',
canvas: 'Canvas is not supported.'
takePhoto(): string
- Returns a base64 encoded string of the taken image. -
switchCamera(): void
- Switches between the different cameras of the device depending on if chosen 'front' or 'back' infacingMode
prop. -
toggleTorch(): void
- Toggles between on and off state of torch. -
flashStatus(): Boolean
- Returns if torch is supported by the current stream or not.
const Component = () => {
const camera = useRef(null);
const [numberOfCameras, setNumberOfCameras] = useState(0);
const [image, setImage] = useState(null);
const [devices, setDevices] = useState<MediaDeviceInfo[]>([]);
//You need to add a useEffect hook to get the latest state change associated with flashStatus, otherwise
//because of how useImperativeHandle is implemented, it will always give you the last state, not the current one which has been updated.
//Slight inconvenience, if you know how to fix it, you can do a pull request.
//Will highly appreciate it. Below useEffect hook does this!
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const videoDevices = devices.filter((i) => i.kind == 'videoinput');
return (
<Camera ref={camera} facingMode='front' numberOfFrontCamerasCallback={setNumberOfCameras} />
<img src={image} alt='Image preview' />
onClick={() => {
const photo = camera.current.takePhoto();
hidden={numberOfCameras < 2}
onClick={() => {
{camera?.current?.flashStatus() ? (
<button onClick={()=>{
if (camera?.current) {
{/*Lightning Icon*/}
viewBox="0 0 16 16"
<path d="M11.251.068a.5.5 0 0 1 .227.58L9.677 6.5H13a.5.5 0 0 1 .364.843l-8 8.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.842-.49L6.323 9.5H3a.5.5 0 0 1-.364-.843l8-8.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .615-.09zM4.157 8.5H7a.5.5 0 0 1 .478.647L6.11 13.59l5.732-6.09H9a.5.5 0 0 1-.478-.647L9.89 2.41 4.157 8.5z" />
) : (
const Cam = () => <Camera ref={camera} facingMode='front'} />
const Cam = () => <Camera ref={camera} aspectRatio={16 / 9} />;
<iframe src="https://example.com/camera-pro-iframe" allow="camera;"/>
- Thanks for boilerplate to: https://medium.com/@xfor/developing-publishing-react-component-library-to-npm-styled-components-typescript-cc8274305f5a
- Thanks for Camera Template to: https://www.kasperkamperman.com/blog/camera-template/