A simple utility for conditionally joining classes together following BEM methodology
BEM documentation: https://getbem.com/
Install inside your project using NPM
npm install react-bemthis
react-bemthis works better with SCSS modules for scoped styles. In this example we use SCSS but this also works with CSS
Then, declare it like this in your React component:
import bem from "react-bemthis";
import styles from "./MyComponent.module.scss";
const { block, element } = bem(styles);
react-bemthis automatically detects the block of you SCSS file.
If you respect the BEM methodology, it should be the only class with no "__" or "--". In any case, if you need to override the default block found, you can do bem(styles, 'some-other-block-name')
Then, in your template, you can use it like this:
<ul className={block()}>
<li className={element("item")}>
<a href="example.com" className={element("link")}>
react-bemthis also you to add modifier for both block and elements. You have multiple to apply modifiers.
For example for a block named "list", it will get the scoped styles for:
->.list .list--listModifier
block(["one", "two"])
->.list .list--one .list--two
block({ one: true, two: false })
->.list .list--one
Of course, it works the same with element. For example for an element "item":
element("item", "itemModifier")
->.list__item .list__item--itemModifier
element("item", ["one", "two"])
->.list__item .list__item--one .list__item--two
element("item", { one: true, two: false })
->.list__item .list__item--one
Also, you SCSS could look like this:
.list {
// styles for list
&--listModifier {
// styles for list with modifier "listModifier"
&__item {
// styles for item
&--itemModifier {
//styles for item with modifier "itemModifier"
&__link {
// styles for link
react-bemthis gives you the possibility to replace block
and element
methods with respective alias b
and e