A nodejs library for trading stocks on Robinhood.
This library strives for ease of use. The calls to Robinhood's api have been abstracted so you only need to care about the stock symbol, the price and the quantity.
- Get user and account information
- Get stock quote
- Place a buy order
- Place a sell order
- Automatically renew the access token so you only have to login once
Using Npm:
$ npm install rbapi --save
const rbapi = require('rbapi');
(async function() {
You will need to provide the username and password.
The deviceToken is a bit difficult to get but here's how you do that:
1. Open the chrome browser
2. Go to robinhood.com
3. Log out if you are already logged in to robinhood
4. Open up the developer tool
5. Navigate to the Network tab
6. Click on the clear icon to clear the network history
7. Log in to your robinhood account
8. In the filter box type in oauth
9. Look for the POST method in the list for /oauth2/
10. You will find the deviceToken in the request payload
let robinhood = await rbapi.create({
username: 'username@email.com',
password: 'mypassword',
deviceToken: 'my-unique-device-token'
Getting A Stock Quote
const rbapi = require('rbapi');
(async function() {
let robinhood = await rbapi.create({
username: 'username@email.com',
password: 'mypassword',
deviceToken: 'my-unique-device-token'
let stockSymbol = 'AAPL';
let quote = await robinhood.quote(stockSymbol);
Buying Stock
const rbapi = require('rbapi');
(async function() {
let robinhood = await rbapi.create({
username: 'username@email.com',
password: 'mypassword',
deviceToken: 'my-unique-device-token'
// Place a limit order
let limitBuy = await robinhood.buy({
orderType: rbapi.OrderType.LIMIT,
stockSymbol: 'AAPL',
quantity: 1,
price: 1.00
// Place a market order
let marketBuy = await robinhood.buy({
orderType: rbapi.OrderType.MARKET,
stockSymbol: 'AAPL',
quantity: 1
Selling Stock
const rbapi = require('rbapi');
(async function() {
let robinhood = await rbapi.create({
username: 'username@email.com',
password: 'mypassword',
deviceToken: 'my-unique-device-token'
// Place a limit order to sell a stock
let limitSell = await robinhood.sell({
orderType: rbapi.OrderType.LIMIT,
stockSymbol: 'AAPL',
quantity: 1,
price: 1.00
// Place a market order to sell a stock
let marketSell = await robinhood.sell({
orderType: rbapi.OrderType.MARKET,
stockSymbol: 'AAPL',
quantity: 1
(async () => {
// Get a list of orders
let orders = await robinhood.api.orders.recent();
// Get specific information about an order given an id
let orderId = orders[0].id;
let order = await robinhood.api.orders.get({
id: orderId
// Cancel an order
let result = await robinhood.api.orders.cancel({
id: orderId
If you are going to do fork this library and add to it you can do so by following these steps
git clone git@github.com:pyriter/rbapi.git
cd rbapi
npm install
touch test-credentials.config.json
vim test-credentials.config.json #Add your robinhood credentials
npm run test
#Once you are done and are ready to publish
npm version [major|minor|patch]
npm publish