Razzle Reason React
How to use
First install the Reason toolchain (reason-cli) globally
npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/beta-v-1.13.6-bin-darwin.tar.gz
Download the example or clone the whole project:
curl https://codeload.github.com/jaredpalmer/razzle/tar.gz/master | tar -xz --strip=2 razzle-master/examples/with-reason-reactcd with-reason-react
Install it and run:
yarn installyarn start
NOTE: This example takes a while to install. Stick with it.
Now you can go and edit src/App.re
. When you make changes, your browser and server will Hot Reload.
Idea behind the example
This is an example of how to use Reason React and Razzle together. Yes, you read that correctly. SSR, Reason, React, HMR.
Secret sauce
This example works by running BuckleScript Platform to compile Reason-React files (.re
) and then importing that output back into the vanilla Razzle app using the JS-Reason-React interop.
Since Reason compiles to (beautifully written) JS, we don't have to do anything else to get universal HMR going because Razzle already does that. We just need to import <App />
a litte bit differently in src/server.js
and src/client.js
/* /src/App.re */type state = {count: int}; type action = | Increment | Decrement; let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent "App"; /* underscore before names indicate unused variables. We name them for clarity */let make ::title _children => { ...component, initialState: fun () => {count: 0}, reducer: fun action state => switch action { | Increment => ReasonReact.Update {...state, count: state.count + 1} | Decrement => ReasonReact.Update {...state, count: state.count - 1} }, render: fun self => { let message = "Count: " ^ string_of_int self.state.count; <div className="App"> <div className="App-header"> <div style=(ReactDOMRe.Style.make backgroundColor::"#db4d3f" cursor::"pointer" ())> <svg className="App-logo" viewBox="0 0 841.9 595.3" alt="logo"> <g fill="#fff"> <path d="M666.3 296.5c0-32.5-40.7-63.3-103.1-82.4 14.4-63.6 8-114.2-20.2-130.4-6.5-3.8-14.1-5.6-22.4-5.6v22.3c4.6 0 8.3.9 11.4 2.6 13.6 7.8 19.5 37.5 14.9 75.7-1.1 9.4-2.9 19.3-5.1 29.4-19.6-4.8-41-8.5-63.5-10.9-13.5-18.5-27.5-35.3-41.6-50 32.6-30.3 63.2-46.9 84-46.9V78c-27.5 0-63.5 19.6-99.9 53.6-36.4-33.8-72.4-53.2-99.9-53.2v22.3c20.7 0 51.4 16.5 84 46.6-14 14.7-28 31.4-41.3 49.9-22.6 2.4-44 6.1-63.6 11-2.3-10-4-19.7-5.2-29-4.7-38.2 1.1-67.9 14.6-75.8 3-1.8 6.9-2.6 11.5-2.6V78.5c-8.4 0-16 1.8-22.6 5.6-28.1 16.2-34.4 66.7-19.9 130.1-62.2 19.2-102.7 49.9-102.7 82.3 0 32.5 40.7 63.3 103.1 82.4-14.4 63.6-8 114.2 20.2 130.4 6.5 3.8 14.1 5.6 22.5 5.6 27.5 0 63.5-19.6 99.9-53.6 36.4 33.8 72.4 53.2 99.9 53.2 8.4 0 16-1.8 22.6-5.6 28.1-16.2 34.4-66.7 19.9-130.1 62-19.1 102.5-49.9 102.5-82.3zm-130.2-66.7c-3.7 12.9-8.3 26.2-13.5 39.5-4.1-8-8.4-16-13.1-24-4.6-8-9.5-15.8-14.4-23.4 14.2 2.1 27.9 4.7 41 7.9zm-45.8 106.5c-7.8 13.5-15.8 26.3-24.1 38.2-14.9 1.3-30 2-45.2 2-15.1 0-30.2-.7-45-1.9-8.3-11.9-16.4-24.6-24.2-38-7.6-13.1-14.5-26.4-20.8-39.8 6.2-13.4 13.2-26.8 20.7-39.9 7.8-13.5 15.8-26.3 24.1-38.2 14.9-1.3 30-2 45.2-2 15.1 0 30.2.7 45 1.9 8.3 11.9 16.4 24.6 24.2 38 7.6 13.1 14.5 26.4 20.8 39.8-6.3 13.4-13.2 26.8-20.7 39.9zm32.3-13c5.4 13.4 10 26.8 13.8 39.8-13.1 3.2-26.9 5.9-41.2 8 4.9-7.7 9.8-15.6 14.4-23.7 4.6-8 8.9-16.1 13-24.1zM421.2 430c-9.3-9.6-18.6-20.3-27.8-32 9 .4 18.2.7 27.5.7 9.4 0 18.7-.2 27.8-.7-9 11.7-18.3 22.4-27.5 32zm-74.4-58.9c-14.2-2.1-27.9-4.7-41-7.9 3.7-12.9 8.3-26.2 13.5-39.5 4.1 8 8.4 16 13.1 24 4.7 8 9.5 15.8 14.4 23.4zM420.7 163c9.3 9.6 18.6 20.3 27.8 32-9-.4-18.2-.7-27.5-.7-9.4 0-18.7.2-27.8.7 9-11.7 18.3-22.4 27.5-32zm-74 58.9c-4.9 7.7-9.8 15.6-14.4 23.7-4.6 8-8.9 16-13 24-5.4-13.4-10-26.8-13.8-39.8 13.1-3.1 26.9-5.8 41.2-7.9zm-90.5 125.2c-35.4-15.1-58.3-34.9-58.3-50.6 0-15.7 22.9-35.6 58.3-50.6 8.6-3.7 18-7 27.7-10.1 5.7 19.6 13.2 40 22.5 60.9-9.2 20.8-16.6 41.1-22.2 60.6-9.9-3.1-19.3-6.5-28-10.2zM310 490c-13.6-7.8-19.5-37.5-14.9-75.7 1.1-9.4 2.9-19.3 5.1-29.4 19.6 4.8 41 8.5 63.5 10.9 13.5 18.5 27.5 35.3 41.6 50-32.6 30.3-63.2 46.9-84 46.9-4.5-.1-8.3-1-11.3-2.7zm237.2-76.2c4.7 38.2-1.1 67.9-14.6 75.8-3 1.8-6.9 2.6-11.5 2.6-20.7 0-51.4-16.5-84-46.6 14-14.7 28-31.4 41.3-49.9 22.6-2.4 44-6.1 63.6-11 2.3 10.1 4.1 19.8 5.2 29.1zm38.5-66.7c-8.6 3.7-18 7-27.7 10.1-5.7-19.6-13.2-40-22.5-60.9 9.2-20.8 16.6-41.1 22.2-60.6 9.9 3.1 19.3 6.5 28.1 10.2 35.4 15.1 58.3 34.9 58.3 50.6-.1 15.7-23 35.6-58.4 50.6zM320.8 78.4z" /> <circle cx="420.9" cy="296.5" r="45.7" /> <path d="M520.5 78.1z" /> </g> </svg> </div> <h2 style=(ReactDOMRe.Style.make marginLeft::"30px" fontSize::"2em" ())> (ReasonReact.stringToElement title) </h2> </div> <p className="App-intro"> <code> (ReasonReact.stringToElement "src/App.re") </code> ( ReasonReact.stringToElement ". When you make edits, both the server and broswer will hot reload." ) </p> <div className="App-intro"> (ReasonReact.stringToElement message) <button onClick=(self.reduce (fun _event => Increment))> (ReasonReact.stringToElement "+") </button> <button onClick=(self.reduce (fun _event => Decrement))> (ReasonReact.stringToElement "-") </button> </div> </div> }}; let comp = ReasonReact.wrapReasonForJs ::component (fun jsProps => make title::jsProps##title [||]);
// src/client.js // We need to point this to our Reason-React outputconst App = comp; ; ;; // No JSX required, it's already in JS.; if modulehot modulehotaccept;
// src/server.js// We need to point this to our Reason-React output, just like aboveconst App = comp; ;;;; const assets = ; const server = ; server ; ;