A nodejs module for randomly selecting objects
- Selecting objects with & without replacement
- Select objects with different frequencies
On project folder run
Run tests
Run demo
Install to your project:
npm install random-selector
Require the selector factory
const selectorFactory = require("random-selector");
Examples of creating selectors
- Blindly pick out balls in a bag without returning
var normalBag = selectorFactory.createSimpleSelectorWithoutReplacement([
console.log("Selected ball: ", normalBag.select());
console.log("Selected ball: ", normalBag.select());
console.log("Bag now empty, you've got no balls to select: ", normalBag.select());
- Blindly pick out balls in a bag then return to the bag
var magicBag = selectorFactory.createSimpleSelectorWithReplacement([
{color:'red', id:'left'},
{color:'black', id:'right'},
console.log("Ball checked: ", magicBag.select());
console.log("Ball checked: ", magicBag.select());
console.log("Still have balls: ", magicBag.select());
- Flipping an unbiased coin
var chigurhCoin = selectorFactory.createSimpleSelectorWithReplacement(['Head', 'Tail']);
console.log("The most you ever lost in a coin toss? ", chigurhCoin.select());
- Simulating rolling dice
var dice = selectorFactory.createSimpleSelectorWithReplacement([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
var points = Array();
for(let i = 0;i<10;i++)
console.log("Total points after 10 rolls: ", points);
- daisy meter: a interpersonal relationship evaluation tool base on nature
var daisy = selectorFactory.createSimpleSelectorWithoutReplacement([]);
for(let i=0;i < daisy.getRandomer().getRandomIntBetween(4, 8);i++)
var meter = true;
meter = !meter;
console.log(meter?'He loves me':'He loves me not');
console.log("He fuckin' hates me, try another daisy!");
- Simulating wheel of fortune:
var fortuneWheel = selectorFactory.createFrequencySelectorWithReplacement(
[['1000$', 10]
, ['750$', 10]
, ['150$', 10]
, ['400$', 10]
, ['250$', 10]
, ['800$', 10]
, ['100$', 10]
, ['450$', 10]
, ['300$', 10]
, ['600$', 10]
, ['200$', 10]
, ['350$', 10]
console.log("Prize: ", fortuneWheel.select());
var realWheel = selectorFactory.createFrequencySelectorWithReplacement(
[['1000$', 50]
, ['10$', 5000]
, 10000
console.log("Prize: ", realWheel.select());