
1.3.0 • Public • Published

🎲 randm

release npm

Simple random number generator for JS / Node.


npm install --save randm


yarn add randm



  • randm.any() - returns a random float between 0 and 1
  • randm.bool() - returns true or false
  • randm.between(-10, 10) - returns a random float between -10 and 10
  • randm.int.between(2, 10) - returns a random integer between 2 and 10
  • randm.oneIn(10) - one in 10 chance that this returns true, otherwise it returns false
  • randm.from(['foo', 'bar', 'qux']) - returns a random value from an array, in this case 'foo', 'bar' or 'qux'
  • randm.happens(2).outOf(5) - returns true 2 out of 5 times
  • randm.percentageChance(95) - returns true 95% of the time
  • randm.coinFlip() - returns heads or tails
  • randm.dateTime() - returns a random Date with the time between epoch and now
  • randm.date.between(new Date(1997, 0, 1), new Date(2000, 0, 1)) - returns a Date between January 1st, 1997 and January 1st 2000.


  • randm.diceRoll() - returns the result of rolling a six-sided die (an integer from 1 to 6)
  • randm.diceRoll('2d3') - returns the result of two d3's (three-sided dice). (an integer from 2 to 6)
  • randm.diceRoll('2d6+1') - returns the result of two d6's plus a modifier of 1. (an integer from 3 to 13)
  • randm.diceRollOf('d6').isGreaterThan(4) - returns true when rolling greater than 4 on a d6 die (in this case 5 or 6 would return true).
  • randm.diceRollOf('d6').isGreaterThanOrEqual(4) - returns true when rolling greater than or equal to 4 on a d6 die (in this case 4, 5 or 6 would return true).
  • randm.diceRollOf('d6').isLessThan(4) - returns true when rolling less than 4 on a d6 die (in this case 1, 2 or 3 would return true).
  • randm.diceRollOf('d6').isLessThanOrEqual(4) - returns true when rolling less than or equal to 4 on a d6 die (in this case 1, 2, 3 or 4 would return true).
  • randm.diceRollOf('d6').beats(4) - beats() is a shortcut to isGreaterThanOrEqual().
  • randm.diceRollOf('3d6+2').rolls() - returns an object containing the individual dice rolls and the totals.
    • Example: randm.diceRollOf('3d6+2').rolls()
         rolls: [ 2, 2, 5 ],
         unmodifiedTotal: 9,
         modifier: '+2',
         total: 11
    • Example: randm.diceRollOf('d6').rolls()
        rolls: [ 6 ],
        unmodifiedTotal: 6,
        modifier: 0,
        total: 6
  • randm.diceRollOf('3d6+2').roll() - roll() is a synonym of rolls().
  • randm.scatterDie() - simulates a six-sided die with four faces showing an arrow, and two faces showing a hit marker. It returns an object containing:
    • direction - a direction specified as a float from 0 to 359 degrees
    • isHit - true if a hit marker was rolled (2 in 6 chance)
    • Example: randm.scatterDie():
        direction: 343.17056492532487,
        isHit: true
  • randm.artilleryDie() - simulates a six-sided die with the following possible values: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or MISS.
    • randm.artilleryDie.MISS can be used for comparison
    • Example: randm.artilleryDie():
      const artilleryRoll = randm.artilleryDie();
      if (artilleryRoll === randm.artilleryDie.MISS) {
        // handle miss...


The randm library supports some limited mocking to make testing easier.

Mocking the next return value


// make the next call return 1
randm.int.between(1, 10); // Will return 1
randm.int.between(1, 10); // No longer mocked - this will return a random number between 1 and 10

Mocking multiple return values in order


// make the next three calls return 1, 2 and then 3.
randm.next.int.between.returns(1, 2, 3);
randm.int.between(1, 10); // Will return 1
randm.int.between(1, 10); // Will return 2
randm.int.between(1, 10); // Will return 3
randm.int.between(1, 10); // No longer mocked - this will return a random number between 1 and 10

Resetting mocked values


// make the next three calls return 1, 2 and then 3.
randm.next.int.between.returns(1, 2, 3);
randm.int.between(1, 10); // Will return 1
randm.int.between(1, 10); // No longer mocked - this will return a random number between 1 and 10

Mocking other functions

Most functions support the next syntax except happens() and diceRollOf() - see further down for how to mock diceRollOf().


randm.diceRoll(); // Will return 4
randm.bool(); // Will return false
randm.from(["foo", "bar", "qux"]); // Will return 'qux'

Mocking diceRollOf()

Internally randm.diceRollOf().rolls() uses randm.int.between() for each roll, so it can be used to mock the rolls.


// We'll use 3d6, so mock the three dice rolls
randm.next.int.between.returns(1, 2, 3);
// Result:
// {
//   rolls: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
//   unmodifiedTotal: 6,
//   modifier: '+2',
//   total: 8
// }


Thanks for using randm.



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  • chrisprobably