A RAML to POSTMan converter.
Usage examples: Read spec.raml and store the output in output.json after grouping the requests into folders ./raml2postman -s spec.raml -o output.json -g
Read spec.raml and print the output to the console
./raml2postman -s spec.raml
Read spec.raml and print the prettified output to the console
./raml2postman -s spec.raml -p
In case you want to debug the converter with a RAML folder:
$ sudo apt-get install php5-cli
And use this script:
function doInclude ($file, $tabIndex = '') {
$contents = @file_get_contents($file);
if (!$contents) {
$contents = @file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . $file);
if (!$contents) {
return "\n\n# Unable to Include" . $file . "\n\n";
if ($tabIndex) {
$contents = $tabIndex . str_replace("\n", "\n" . $tabIndex, $contents);
$contents = preg_replace_callback('/(([\s\t]*)([a-z0-9_\/\-]+)):[\s]+\!include ([^\s]+)/i',
function($matches) {
$property = $matches[3];
$spacing = $matches[2];
$file = $matches[4];
if (!preg_match("/^((https?:\/\/)|\/)/i", $file)) {
$file = BASE_PATH . "/" . $file;
$i = 0;
$cap = ": | \n";
$subContent = doInclude($file, $spacing . " ");
$subLines = explode("\n", $subContent);
while (isset($subLines[$i]) && !preg_match("/[^\s]/i", $subLines[$i])) {
if (strpos($subLines[$i], ':') && preg_match("/(:\s*('|\")(.+)('|\"))*/", $subLines[$i])) {
$cap = ":\n";
return $spacing . $property . $cap . $subContent;
return $contents;
$file = $argv[1];
define('BASE_PATH', dirname($file));
echo doInclude($file);
Run it like this:
php script.php /path/to/api/root.raml > combined.raml
Script credits: https://github.com/mikestowe/php-ramlMerge