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1.0.5 • Public • Published

React Lite Player

ReactLitePlayer player is a minimalistic video player aimed to offer simple usage with the least of features you need for your project, while making everything simple the library offers customization and call-back functions that you may want.

Frame 2 (2)


npm i react-lite-player


import { Video } from "r-lite-player";

function App() {
  return (
        url="your video url"
        subtitleUrl="your subti url" //optionl
prop Description Default
url Your video URL No default.
subtitleUrl Your subtitle file's URL No default.
subtitleLanguage Subtitle language English
subtitleColor Subtitle text color #ffff
poster Poster image URL No default.
enableNextButton Show next and previous buttons False
onPlay Event triggered upon the commencement of playback
onPause Event triggered when the video pauses No default.
next Function called when pressing the next button Undefined
previous Function called when pressing the previous button Undefined
width Video width 100%
height Video height Auto
wrapperBackground Video container background #333
errorMessage Error message displayed when an error occurs Something went wrong.
customErrorMessageComponent Custom error component; having one overrides the default Null
loop Allow video to play in a loop False
hideVideoWhenError Hide the video when an error occurs True (recommended)
crossOrigin Video cross-origin property Anonymous
subtitleBackground Subtitle background #000000a3
bufferedIndicatorBackground Background of the loaded-buffer progress Undefined
videoProgressBackground Video progress background #ffff
autoPlay Play the video immediately after loading False
playerProgressBarContainer Progress bar container #9d9d9d34
customControlsArea his area is reserved for any elements you may want to add to the bottom-left side of the controllers, such as a subtitles drop-down or settings drop-down for the player. Just anything you may want to add to the player null

Video Ref

To allow full customization and control over the video, the video forwards its ref and some methods that you can access using the useVideoRef hook those methods are

Method Use case
togglePlay play and pause the video
toggleCaptions show and hide the subtitle component
togglePictureMode toggle picture mode
toggleMute Mute or unmute the video
toggleFullscreen enter and exit full screen

The video can also but accessed from the ref but calling ref.current.video(the name ref depends on how you name your variable)

Example use case

import { Video, useVideoRef } from "react-lite-player";

function App() {
  const video = useVideoRef();

  function togglePlay() {

  return (
      <button onClick={togglePlay}>toggle play</button>{" "}
      {/*//control the player from your component directly using the forwarded ref */}
      <Video ref={video} url={"url"} />

export default App;

If you find this library useful consider linking it on GitHub, or maybe why not contribute to it 😌😌

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  • djibrilm