
1.1.3 • Public • Published

Multi-unit Quantity Views


This is a node library to easily change the displayed unit of a quantity (Length, Area, Speed, Pressure...), and easily set the quantity value in any predefined unit.

Caution: This library should not be used in code requiring high accuracy or efficient/massive unit conversions. It is intended as an auxiliary resource to implement user interfaces, mainly associated to data binding techniques as in angular or react.


To install the library, run:

$ npm install quantity-views -g

or add it as a dependency to your project.

Basic usage

Install the library and try it in a interactive node session

$ node

First, require one of the builtin quantity classes (more about builtin quantities below)

> Length = require('quantity-views').Length
[Function: Length]

and instanciate it as an object representing for example a width, with a value of 1 (1 what? More below)

> width = new Length(value=1, name='width')
Length { _value: 1, name: 'width', precision: 15, unit: 'metre' }

Check the available units that width can display/be set

> width.units
[ 'metre',
  'milleUS' ]

Obtain our width in metres (we discover that the initial values is in metres)

> width.metre

and then in centimetres

> width.centimetre

Now set our width in centimetres

> width.centimetre = 3.4

and get it in metres

> width.metre

or inches

> width.inch

Set width as one inch

> width.inch = 1

and obtain it in millimetres

> width.millimetre

Inputs can be strings strictly representing floats

> width.foot = '2.3'
> width.metre

Weird strings are allowed

> width.yard = '34hhjp'

but the quantity then is Not a Number

> width.metre

Show symbols for every unit

> Array.from(width.units, v => [v, width.getSymbol(v)])
[ [ 'metre', 'm' ],
  [ 'centimetre', 'cm' ],
  [ 'millimetre', 'mm' ],
  [ 'inch', 'in' ],
  [ 'foot', 'ft' ],
  [ 'footUS', 'ftUS' ],
  [ 'yard', 'yd' ],
  [ 'kilometre', 'km' ],
  [ 'nauticalMille', 'NM' ],
  [ 'mille', 'mi' ],
  [ 'milleUS', 'miUS' ] ]

Builtin quantities

The quantity classes available on require(quantity-views), are

  • Length
  • Area
  • Volume
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Mass
  • Density
  • Force
  • Pressure
  • Torque
  • Energy
  • Power
  • Time
  • Temperature
  • DynamicViscosity
  • KineticViscosity
  • Adimensional

Their constructors can take the optional arguments

  • value A number. Defaults to NaN. This is stored in the this.value property, provided that unit (see below) is one of the valid quantity units listed in this.units. In other case, this._value is set to NaN. For the builtin quantity classes, this._value attribute coincides with the value of the quantity in the corresponding SI base unit (the first unit in this.units).

  • name A string. Defaults to ''. Stored in the this.name attribute. Not used by the library. It is an user field.

  • precision A number within 1 and 21 or null. Defaults to 15. Stored in the this.precision attribute. If .precision is a number, all unit queries are strings formatted with 'Number.prototype.toPrecision(quantity.precision)'. If precision is null, raw numbers are returned:

    $ node
    > Length = require('quantity-views').Length
    [Function: Length]
    > distance = new Length()
    Length { _value: NaN, name: '', precision: 15, unit: 'metre' }
    > distance.nauticalMille = 2
    > distance.kilometre
    > distance.precision = 5
    > distance.kilometre
    > distance.mille
    > distance.precision = null
    > distance.kilometre
    > distance.mille
    > distance.kilometre = ''
    > distance.mille
    > distance.precision = 10
    > distance.mille
  • unit A string or null. Defaults to null. If it is null and this.units is set, this.unit is set to this.units[0], else this.unit takes this value.

    this.unit has a side effect in this.value:

    $ node
    > Length = require('quantity-views').Length
    [Function: Length]
    > distance = new Length(3)
    Length { _value: 3, name: '', precision: 15, unit: 'metre' }
    > distance.units
    [ 'metre',
      'milleUS' ]
    > distance.unit

    The value property returns metres:

      > distance.value

    Now, if unit property is set to inches, the value property returns inches:

      > distance.unit = 'inch'
      > distance.value

    And setting value property is the same as if inches property were set

      > distance.value = 100
      > distance.metre
      > distance.inch
      > distance.value

    If a invalid value for unit is established, value returns `undefined,

      > distance.unit = 'foo'
      > distance.value

    and subsequent assignments to the valueproperty are ignored:

      > distance.value = 1
      > distance.inch

User defined quantities

Builtin quantity classes are described in lib/defs.js. Feel free of defining your own quantity classes in the same format.

The class Quantity is also exported when requiring quantity-views. It is a constructor for new quantity classes:

$ node
Quantity = require('quantity-views').Quantity
> MyQties = Quantity.createFromDefs({
... mylength: [
... {name: 'astronomicalUnit', multiplier: 1/149597870700, symbol: 'AU'},
... {name: 'lightSecond', multiplier: 1/299792458, symbol: ''},
... {name: 'parsec', multiplier: 1/3.085677581e16, symbol: 'pc'}]})
{ Mylength: [Function: Mylength] }
> coriolanusOdometre = new MyQties.Mylength(66)
Mylength { 
  _value: 9873459466200,
  name: '',
  precision: 15,
  unit: 'astronomicalUnit' }
> coriolanusOdometre.astronomicalUnit
> coriolanusOdometre.lightSecond
> coriolanusOdometre.parsec
> coriolanusOdometre._value

Note also that in this example the ._value is not stored in any unit of the quantity.


  • v 1.1.3: Mass units fixed.

  • v 1.1.2: Density symbols fixed.

  • v 1.1.1: Density symbols fixed.

  • v 1.1.0: unit and value properties added.

  • v 1.0.0: Initial version


This code is subject to MIT license.

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  • damahou