A helper function that parses wells from the api into a standard format
const WellParser = // import WellParser from 'qp-well-parser' // initialize the parser to use a specific QueryPark api version// defaults to latestconst wellParser =
console // v1
const standardWell = wellParserconsole/*{ uuid: '', primaryHeader: { label: '', value: '' }, subheader: { label: '', value: '' }, govId: { label: '', value: '' }, surfaceLocation: { label: '', value: '' }, owner: { label: '', value: '' }, attributes: { country: '', region: '', coordinates: { lat: 0, lon: 0 }, wellStatus: '', substance: '', drillDirection: '', isLatest: true }, wellData: {}}*/ const well = "FieldCenter": "Medicine Hat" "WellName": "HANSAR ENERGY DD CHINCO 1-1-8-13" "LicenseNumber": "0443004" "DrillingOperation": "DIRECTIONAL" "UWI": "100/01-01-008-13W4/00" "WellType": "PRODUCTION" "ProjectedDepth": 1132 "TerminatingZone": "LIVINGSTONE FM" "Field": "UNDEFINED" "GroundElevation": 8474 "WellPurpose": "NEW" "LaheeClassification": "NPW (C)" "MineralRights": "ALBERTA CROWN" "CreatedDate": 1326870000000 "SurfaceCoordinates": "N 395.8M W 546.8M" "Substance": "GAS" "SurfaceLocation": "02-01-008-13W4" "Licensee": "HANSAR ENERGY CORP." "Uuid": "30d3c778-ef5e-44b4-903e-3daa26c291b5" "Region": "AB" "Country": "CA" "StatusDate": 1330637400000 "Next": "null" "Prev": "32e919af-3744-4eb1-a4d1-3846e8f6a264" "LicenseeName": "Hansar Energy Corp." "ActivityType": "Drill To LD" "ContractorCode": "0ZM7" "ContractorName": "Champion Drilling Inc." "LicenseeCode": "A645" "RigNumber": "333" const parsedWell = // const parsedWell = wellParser.v1Parse(well) console/*{ uuid: '30d3c778-ef5e-44b4-903e-3daa26c291b5', primaryHeader: { label: 'Well Name', value: 'HANSAR ENERGY DD CHINCO 1-1-8-13' }, subheader: { label: 'UWI', value: '100/01-01-008-13W4/00' }, govId: { label: 'License Number', value: '0443004' }, surfaceLocation: { label: 'Surface Location', value: '02-01-008-13W4' }, owner: { label: 'Licensee', value: 'HANSAR ENERGY CORP.' }, attributes: { country: 'CA', region: 'AB', coordinates: null, wellStatus: 'NPW (C)', substance: 'GAS', drillDirection: 'DIR', isLatest: true }, wellData: { ... }}*/