npm install -g pullr
Pull Requests from the CLI
CLI Options
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --new open a new pull request
-t, --title <title> pull request title
-d, --description <description> pull request description
-i, --into <branch> target branch, defaults to 'master'
-f, --from <branch> source branch, defaults to current
-I, --into-remote <remote> target remote server, defaults to 'origin'
-F, --from-remote <remote> source remote server, defaults to 'origin'
-l, --force-login request credentials even if already logged in
-p, --preflight preflight pull request without actually submitting
Pullr is Copyright © 2014 MojoTech, LLC. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.