A node.js client for the Proxmox API
(Get) Usage example
const proxmox = ; proxmox;
(Post) Usage example
const proxmox = ; proxmox;});
proxmox.auth(host, user, tokenName, token, realm = 'pam'): Promise
Stores the auth information
proxmox.auth(host, tokenInfo, token): Promise
Stores the auth information
proxmox.get(path): Promise
Sends a GET Request to the defined path and returns a superagent request, body): Promise
Sends a POST Request to the defined path with the defined body and returns a superagent request
proxmox.put(path, body): Promise
Sends a PUT Request to the defined path with the defined body and returns a superagent request
proxmox.delete(path): Promise
Sends a DELETE Request to the defined path and returns a superagent request
proxmox.del(path): Promise
Sends a DELETE Request to the defined path and returns a superagent request
You can enable the debug outputs by setting the DEBUG environment variable to 'proxmox:*'.