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1.0.0 • Public • Published


Helper for node projects

Commitizen friendly







Project class


This class is used for modifications of the given object.


This class is used for controlled modifications of the given object. It uses a data object called registry, which stores modifications made by this library. Modifies only data not created or altered by user. Optionally changes may be forced.


Format : "json" | "yaml" | "auto"


Project class

Kind: global class

new Project([moduleName], options, debug)

Param Type Default Description
[moduleName] string "[dir of module]"

Module name which provides configuration services to project using this library. Defaults to directory name.

options Object


debug boolean

Adds debug data to instance.

project.package : TrackedObject

Object which contains data of package.json of project.

Kind: instance property of Project : string

Module name which provides configuration services to project using this library.

Kind: instance property of Project
Read only: true

project.root : string

Root directory path of project.

Kind: instance property of Project
Read only: true

project.moduleName : string

Module name which provides configuration services to project using this library.

Kind: instance property of Project
Read only: true

project.moduleRoot : string

Root directory path of module which provides configuration services to project using this library.

Kind: instance property of Project
Read only: true

project.track : boolean

Whteher files of the project are tracked to determine if they are created by the module.

Kind: instance property of Project
Read only: true

project.config : object

Configuration for module.

Kind: instance property of Project
Read only: true

project.load() ⇒ void

Finds project path, loads necessary files (i.e. configuration, registry etc.)

Kind: instance method of Project

  • VError
  • Throws error if files cannot be read
  • ⇒ Promise.<void>

    Saves any changes made to disk.

    Kind: instance method of Project
    Returns: Promise.<void> -

    • Void
    • **Throws**:
      • VError
      • Throws error if files cannot be writeen
      • project.resolveModule() ⇒ Promise.<string>

        Finds and returns path to module's binary. (Module which requires this library)

        Kind: instance method of Project
        Returns: Promise.<string> -

        • Path to parent module's binary.
        • project.resolveBin(modName, [options], [executable], [cwd]) ⇒ Promise.<string>

          Finds and returns path of given command.

          Kind: instance method of Project
          Returns: Promise.<string> -

          • Path to binary.
          • **Throws**:
            • Error
            • Throws error no binary cannot be found.
            • Param Type Default Description
              modName string

              Module name to find executable from.

              [options] Object


              [executable] string "param.modName"

              Executable name. (Defaults to module name)

              [cwd] string "process.cwd()"

              Current working directory

              project.fromRoot(...part) ⇒ string

              Joins parts to form a path using path.join. Returns path in project by adding project root at the beginning of path.

              Kind: instance method of Project
              Returns: string -

              • Full path to project file.
              • Param Type Description
                ...part Array.<string>

                Path parts to get path relative to project root.

                project.fromModuleRoot(...part) ⇒ string

                Joins parts to form a path using path.join. Returns path in project by adding project root at the beginning of path.

                Kind: instance method of Project
                Returns: string -

                • Full path to project file.
                • Param Type Description
                  ...part Array.<string>

                  Path parts to get path relative to project root.

                  project.hasFile(files, [t], [f]) ⇒ Promise.<*>

                  Returns one of the given values based on existence of given file path or file paths in project root. Normalizes file path separators based on operating system.

                  Kind: instance method of Project
                  Returns: Promise.<*> -

                  • t or f value based on existence of files in project.
                  • Param Type Default Description
                    files string | Array.<string>

                    File or list of files to look in project.

                    [t] * true

                    Value to return if some of the files exists in project.

                    [f] * false

                    Value to return if none of the files exists in project.

                    project.hasAnyDep(deps, [t], [f]) ⇒ *

                    Returns one of the given values based on whether project has any of the given dependencies in dependencies, devDependencies, peerDependencies.

                    Kind: instance method of Project
                    Returns: * -

                    • t or f value based on existence of sub property.
                    • Param Type Default Description
                      deps string | Array.<string>

                      Dependency or dependencies to check.

                      [t] * true

                      Value to return if any of dependencies exists.

                      [f] * false

                      Value to return if none of dependencies exists.ts.

                      project.envIsSet(name) ⇒ boolean

                      Returns whether given environment variable is set and not empty.

                      Kind: instance method of Project
                      Returns: boolean -

                      • Whether given environment variable is set and not empty.
                      • Param Type Description
                        name string

                        Name of the environment variable to look for.

                        project.parseEnv(name, defaultValue) ⇒ *

                        Returns environment variable if it exists and is not empty. Returns given default value otherwise.

                        Kind: instance method of Project
                        Returns: * -

                        • Environment variable or default value.
                        • Param Type Description
                          name string

                          Name of the environment variable

                          defaultValue *

                          Default value to return if no environment variable is set or is empty.

                          project.getConcurrentlyArgs(scripts, [options], [killOthers]) ⇒ Array.<string>

                          Given an object containing keys as script names, values as commands, returns parameters to feed to concurrently.

                          Kind: instance method of Project
                          Returns: Array.<string> -

                          • Arguments to use with concurrently.
                          • Param Type Default Description
                            scripts Object.<string, string>

                            Object with script names as keys, commands as values.

                            [options] Object


                            [killOthers] boolean true

                            Whether -kill-others-on-fail should added.

                            project.isOptedOut(key, [t], [f]) ⇒ Promise.<*>

                            Returns whether given parameter is opted out.

                            Kind: instance method of Project
                            Returns: Promise.<*> -

                            • t or f value based on existence of sub property.
                            • Param Type Default Description
                              key string

                              Paremeter to look for.

                              [t] * true

                              Value to return if it is opted out.

                              [f] * false

                              Value to return if it is not opted out.

                              project.isOptedIn(key, [t], [f]) ⇒ Promise.<*>

                              Returns whether given parameter is opted in.

                              Kind: instance method of Project
                              Returns: Promise.<*> -

                              • t or f value based on existence of sub property.
                              • Param Type Default Description
                                key string

                                Paremeter to look for.

                                [t] * true

                                Value to return if it is opted in.

                                [f] * false

                                Value to return if it is not opted in.

                                project.getFileDetails(projectFile, options) ⇒ Promise.<FileDetail>

                                Returns file details related to given file path relative to project root.

                                Kind: instance method of Project
                                Returns: Promise.<FileDetail> -

                                • File details
                                • **Throws**:
                                  • VError
                                  • Throws error if file details cannot be get.
                                  • Param Type Description
                                    projectFile string

                                    Project file to get detail for.

                                    options Object


                                    options.force boolean

                                    Assume safe to operate on file even it is not auto created.

                                    options.track boolean

                                    Whether to track file if it is created by module.

                                    project.createSymLink(moduleFile, projectFile, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<void>

                                    Creates a symbolic link in project which points to a file in module. Removes previously created symbolic link created by this library.

                                    Kind: instance method of Project
                                    Returns: Promise.<void> -

                                    • Void
                                    • **Throws**:
                                      • VError
                                      • Throws error if symbolic link cannot be created.
                                      • Param Type Default Description
                                        moduleFile string

                                        Target file which link points to. Should be given relative to module root.

                                        projectFile string

                                        Link file. Should be given relative to project root.

                                        [options] Object


                                        [options.force] boolean false

                                        Writes file even it exists and not auto created.

                                        [options.track] boolean [this.track]

                                        Whether to track symlink if it is created by module.


                                        // Creates tsconfig.json symbolic link file in project root, pointing to a file from toolkit.
                                        createSymLink(here('../../config.json'), 'tsconfig.json');

                                        project.getFileHash(projectFile) ⇒ string

                                        Calculates and returns hash for given file relative to project root.

                                        Kind: instance method of Project
                                        Returns: string -

                                        • Calculated hash for file.
                                        • Param Type Description
                                          projectFile string

                                          File path of the file relative to project root to calculate hash for.

                                          project.getDataFile(projectFile, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<void>

                                          Kind: instance method of Project

                                          • VError
                                          • Throws error if file cannot be created.
                                          • Param Type Default Description
                                            projectFile string

                                            File path to read relative to project root.

                                            [options] Object


                                            [options.format] boolean [file extension]

                                            Format to serialize data in given format. (json or yaml) Default is json.

                                            [options.create] boolean

                                            Whether to create file if it does not exist.

                                            [options.createFormat] boolean

                                            Format to serialize data in given format. (json or yaml) Default is json.

                                            [options.force] boolean false

                                            Whether to force write file even it exist.

                                            project.readFile(projectFile, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<*>

                                            Reads and returns content of the given file relative to project root. Optionally can create file if it does not exist.

                                            Kind: instance method of Project
                                            Returns: Promise.<*> -

                                            • Content of the file.
                                            • **Throws**:
                                              • VError
                                              • Throws error if file cannot be found.
                                              • Param Type Default Description
                                                projectFile string

                                                File to read relative to project root.

                                                [options] Object


                                                [options.create] boolean

                                                Whether to create file if it does not exist.

                                                [options.track] boolean [this.track]

                                                Whether to track file in registry if it is created by module.

                                                [options.force] boolean false

                                                Whether to force create even it is deleted by user.

                                                [options.defaultContent] *

                                                Default content to write if file does not exist.

                                                [options.errorNotExists] boolean true

                                                Throw error if file does not exist.

                                                [options.parse] boolean false

                                                Whether to parse file content to create a js object.

                                                [options.format] Format [file extension]

                                                Format to use parsing data.

                                                [options.createFormat] Format json

                                                Format to be used while creating nonexisting file if no format is provided.

                                                project.writeFile(projectFile, data, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<void>

                                                Creates and writes given data to a file in project.

                                                Kind: instance method of Project
                                                Returns: Promise.<void> -

                                                • void
                                                • **Throws**:
                                                  • VError
                                                  • Throws error if file cannot be created
                                                  • Param Type Default Description
                                                    projectFile string

                                                    File path to relative to project root.

                                                    data string

                                                    Data to write

                                                    [options] Object


                                                    [options.force] boolean false

                                                    Writes file even it exists and not auto created.

                                                    [options.track] boolean [this.track]

                                                    Whether to track file in registry if it is created by module.

                                                    [options.serialize] boolean false

                                                    Whether to serialize object before written to file.

                                                    [options.format] Format [file extension]

                                                    Format to use serializing data.


                                                    project.writeFile("./some-config.json", '{"name": "my-project"}'); // Writes given data to some-config.json in project root.

                                                    project.copyFile(moduleFile, projectFile, [options]) ⇒ Promise.<void>

                                                    Copies a file from module to project. Paths should be given relative to module root and project root.

                                                    Kind: instance method of Project
                                                    Returns: Promise.<void> -

                                                    • void
                                                    • **Throws**:
                                                      • VError
                                                      • Throws error if file cannot be created
                                                      • Param Type Default Description
                                                        moduleFile string

                                                        Source file path relative to module root.

                                                        projectFile string

                                                        Destinantion file path relative to paroject root.

                                                        [options] Object


                                                        [options.force] boolean false

                                                        Overwrites file even it exists and not auto created.

                                                        [options.track] boolean [this.track]

                                                        Whether to track file in registry if it is created by module.


                                                        project.copy("./some-config.json", "./some-config.json"); // Copies some-config.json file from module's root to project's root.

                                                        Project~FileDetail : Object

                                                        Type to store file details.

                                                        Kind: inner typedef of Project

                                                        Name Type Description
                                                        isSafe boolean

                                                        Whether it is safe to delete or change given file. (Is true if file is created automatically by module and is not modified by user.)

                                                        [stats] fs.Stats

                                                        fs.Stats file details. Undefined if file does not exists.

                                                        [linkTarget] string

                                                        If file is a symbolic link, target path relative to module root.


                                                        This class is used for modifications of the given object.

                                                        Kind: global class

                                                        new DataObject([data], [options])

                                                        Creates an instance of DataObject.

                                                        Param Type Default Description
                                                        [data] Object {}

                                                        Data to be modified.

                                                        [options] Object


                                                        [options.file] string

                                                        Path of the file to be used in logs.

                                                        [options.logger] Logger

                                                        A looger instance such as winston. Must implement verbose, info, warn, error.

                                                        dataObject.isChanged : boolean

                                                        Whether data is changed.

                                                        Kind: instance property of DataObject
                                                        Read only: true

                                               : Object

                                                        Stored data.

                                                        Kind: instance property of DataObject
                                                        Read only: true

                                                        dataObject.has(props, [t], [f]) ⇒ *

                                                        Returns one of the given values based on whether some of given property or properties exists in given object. Property names may be given as chained such as key or key.subkey.

                                                        Kind: instance method of DataObject
                                                        Returns: * -

                                                        • t or f value based on existence of property.
                                                        • Param Type Default Description
                                                          props string | Array.<string>

                                                          Property or properties to look in package.json

                                                          [t] * true

                                                          Value to return if some of the properties exists in project.

                                                          [f] * false

                                                          Value to return if none of the properties exists in project.


                                                          const result = project.hasProp(['', ''], 'yes', 'no');

                                                          dataObject.hasSubProp(prop, subProps, [t], [f]) ⇒ *

                                                          Returns one of the given values based on whether some of given property path or property paths exists in object's target property path. Property names may be given as chained such as key or key.subkey.

                                                          Kind: instance method of DataObject
                                                          Returns: * -

                                                          • t or f value based on existence of sub property.
                                                          • Param Type Default Description
                                                            prop string

                                                            Property or properties to look in package.json

                                                            subProps string | Array.<string>

                                                            Property or properties to look in package.json

                                                            [t] * true

                                                            Value to return if some of the properties exists.

                                                            [f] * false

                                                            Value to return if none of the properties exists.


                                                            const result = project.hasSubProp('scripts', ['build', 'build:doc']);
                                                            const result2 = project.hasSubProp('address.home', ['', '']);

                                                            dataObject.get(key) ⇒ *

                                                            Returns data in given key or path. Path may be given as chained. (i.e "scripts.compile")

                                                            Kind: instance method of DataObject
                                                            Returns: * -

                                                            • Data stored at given key.
                                                            • Param Type Description
                                                              key string

                                                              Key to get data from

                                                              dataObject.set(key, value) ⇒ this

                                                              Stores given data at given key or path. Based on force option, does not change value if it is not created automatically by this library by looking registry. Path may be given as chained. (i.e "scripts.compile")

                                                              Kind: instance method of DataObject
                                                              Returns: this -

                                                              • Object instance.
                                                              • Param Type Description
                                                                key string

                                                                Key to store data at.

                                                                value *

                                                                Value to store at given key.

                                                                dataObject.setObject(data) ⇒ this

                                                                Stores each key and its value in the object. Key's may be given as chained paths such as scripts.compile.

                                                                Kind: instance method of DataObject
                                                                Returns: this -

                                                                • Object instance.
                                                                • Param Type Description
                                                                  data Object

                                                                  Data to store at object.


                                                                  data.setObject({ "a.b": 1, c: 2, d: 3 });

                                                                  dataObject.remove(key) ⇒ this

                                                                  Removes given path or paths from object . Based on force option, does not remove value if it is not created automatically by this library by looking registry. Path may be given as chained. (i.e "scripts.compile")

                                                                  Kind: instance method of DataObject
                                                                  Returns: this -

                                                                  • Object instance.
                                                                  • Param Type Description
                                                                    key string | Array.<string>

                                                                    Key or list of keys to remove


                                                                    This class is used for controlled modifications of the given object. It uses a data object called registry, which stores modifications made by this library. Modifies only data not created or altered by user. Optionally changes may be forced.

                                                                    Kind: global class

                                                                    new TrackedObject([data], [registry], [options])

                                                                    Creates an instance of TrackedObject.

                                                                    Param Type Default Description
                                                                    [data] Object {}

                                                                    Data to be modified.

                                                                    [registry] Object {}

                                                                    Registry object to track changes made by this library. This object stores copies of the data modified by this library.

                                                                    [options] Object


                                                                    [options.file] string

                                                                    Path of the file to be used in logs.

                                                                    [options.logger] Logger

                                                                    A looger instance such as winston. Must implement verbose, info, warn, error.

                                                                    trackedObject.registry : Object

                                                                    Registry object

                                                                    Kind: instance property of TrackedObject
                                                                    Read only: true

                                                                    trackedObject.isChanged : boolean

                                                                    Whether data is changed.

                                                                    Kind: instance property of TrackedObject
                                                                    Read only: true

                                                           : Object

                                                                    Stored data.

                                                                    Kind: instance property of TrackedObject
                                                                    Read only: true

                                                                    trackedObject.set(key, value, [options]) ⇒ this

                                                                    Stores given data at given key or path. Based on force option, does not change value if it is not created automatically by this library by looking registry. Path may be given as chained. (i.e "scripts.compile")

                                                                    Kind: instance method of TrackedObject
                                                                    Overrides: set
                                                                    Returns: this -

                                                                    • Object instance.
                                                                    • Param Type Default Description
                                                                      key string

                                                                      Key to store data at.

                                                                      value *

                                                                      Value to store at given key.

                                                                      [options] Object


                                                                      [options.force] boolean false

                                                                      Whether to force change even value is altered by user manually.

                                                                      trackedObject.setObject(data, [options]) ⇒ this

                                                                      Stores each key and its value in the object. Key's may be given as chained paths such as scripts.compile.

                                                                      Kind: instance method of TrackedObject
                                                                      Overrides: setObject
                                                                      Returns: this -

                                                                      • Object instance.
                                                                      • Param Type Default Description
                                                                        data Object

                                                                        Data to store at object.

                                                                        [options] Object


                                                                        [options.force] boolean false

                                                                        Whether to force change even value is altered by user manually.


                                                                        data.setObject({ "a.b": 1, c: 2, d: 3 });

                                                                        trackedObject.remove(key, [options]) ⇒ this

                                                                        Removes given path or paths from object . Based on force option, does not remove value if it is not created automatically by this library by looking registry. Path may be given as chained. (i.e "scripts.compile")

                                                                        Kind: instance method of TrackedObject
                                                                        Overrides: remove
                                                                        Returns: this -

                                                                        • Object instance.
                                                                        • Param Type Default Description
                                                                          key string | Array.<string>

                                                                          Key or list of keys to remove

                                                                          [options] object


                                                                          [options.force] boolean false

                                                                          Whether to force removal even value is altered by user manually.

                                                                          trackedObject.has(props, [t], [f]) ⇒ *

                                                                          Returns one of the given values based on whether some of given property or properties exists in given object. Property names may be given as chained such as key or key.subkey.

                                                                          Kind: instance method of TrackedObject
                                                                          Returns: * -

                                                                          • t or f value based on existence of property.
                                                                          • Param Type Default Description
                                                                            props string | Array.<string>

                                                                            Property or properties to look in package.json

                                                                            [t] * true

                                                                            Value to return if some of the properties exists in project.

                                                                            [f] * false

                                                                            Value to return if none of the properties exists in project.


                                                                            const result = project.hasProp(['', ''], 'yes', 'no');

                                                                            trackedObject.hasSubProp(prop, subProps, [t], [f]) ⇒ *

                                                                            Returns one of the given values based on whether some of given property path or property paths exists in object's target property path. Property names may be given as chained such as key or key.subkey.

                                                                            Kind: instance method of TrackedObject
                                                                            Returns: * -

                                                                            • t or f value based on existence of sub property.
                                                                            • Param Type Default Description
                                                                              prop string

                                                                              Property or properties to look in package.json

                                                                              subProps string | Array.<string>

                                                                              Property or properties to look in package.json

                                                                              [t] * true

                                                                              Value to return if some of the properties exists.

                                                                              [f] * false

                                                                              Value to return if none of the properties exists.


                                                                              const result = project.hasSubProp('scripts', ['build', 'build:doc']);
                                                                              const result2 = project.hasSubProp('address.home', ['', '']);

                                                                              trackedObject.get(key) ⇒ *

                                                                              Returns data in given key or path. Path may be given as chained. (i.e "scripts.compile")

                                                                              Kind: instance method of TrackedObject
                                                                              Returns: * -

                                                                              • Data stored at given key.
                                                                              • Param Type Description
                                                                                key string

                                                                                Key to get data from

                                                                                Format : "json" | "yaml" | "auto"

                                                                                Kind: global typedef




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