InvoicesAccountInfo |
Information about the account. |
GetAccountInvoices |
GetAccountInvoicesStatus |
GetApis |
Information about the API schema. |
Accept |
CreateApiRequest |
Information about the API. |
CreateApiOkResponse |
The API's base data schema. |
GetApi |
GetApiInclude |
UpdateApiRequest |
Information about the API. |
UpdateApiOkResponse |
Information about the API. |
AddApiCollectionRequest |
AddApiCollectionOkResponse |
SyncCollectionWithSchema |
CommentResponse |
CommentCreateUpdate |
Information about the comment. |
CommentCreatedUpdated |
CreateApiSchemaRequest |
Information about the API schema. |
CreateApiSchemaOkResponse |
Information about the created API schema. |
GetApiSchema |
GetApiSchemaFiles |
Information about the schema files and its meta information. |
GetApiSchemaFileContents |
Information about the schema file. |
CreateUpdateApiSchemaFileRequest |
Information about schema file. |
CreateUpdateApiSchemaFileOkResponse |
Information about the schema file. |
GetStatusOfAnAsyncTask |
GetApiVersions |
Information about the API's versions. |
CreateApiVersionRequest |
CreateApiVersionAcceptedResponse |
GetApiVersion |
UpdateApiVersionRequest |
Information about the API version. |
UpdateApiVersionOkResponse |
TagGetPut |
TagUpdateTags |
GetTaggedEntities |
AscDescDefaultDesc |
GetTaggedEntitiesEntityType |
GetAuditLogs |
GetCollections |
CollectionsCreateCollectionRequest |
CreateCollectionOkResponse |
CreateCollectionForkRequest |
CreateCollectionForkOkResponse |
MergeCollectionForkRequest |
MergeCollectionForkOkResponse |
GetCollection |
GetCollectionModel |
PutCollectionRequest |
PutCollectionOkResponse |
PatchCollectionRequest |
PatchCollectionOkResponse |
DeleteCollection |
GetCollectionsForkedByUser |
AscDesc |
GetCollectionForks |
PullCollectionChanges |
GetCollectionPullRequests |
PullRequestCreate |
Information about the pull request. |
PullRequestCreated |
GetCollectionRoles |
Information about the collection's roles. |
UpdateCollectionRoles |
GetSourceCollectionStatus |
TransformCollectionToOpenApi |
Format |
TransferCollectionItems |
TransferCollectionItems200Error |
CreateCollectionFolder |
CreateCollectionRequestOkResponse |
CreateCollectionResponse |
GetCollectionFolder |
UpdateCollectionFolder |
DeleteCollectionFolder |
GetCollectionRequest |
UpdateCollectionRequest |
DeleteCollectionRequest |
GetCollectionResponse |
UpdateCollectionResponse |
DeleteCollectionResponse |
DetectedSecretsQueriesRequest |
DetectedSecretsQueriesOkResponse |
UpdateDetectedSecretResolutionsRequest |
UpdateDetectedSecretResolutionsOkResponse |
GetSecretsLocations |
GetSecretTypes |
GetEnvironments |
CreateEnvironmentRequest |
CreateEnvironmentOkResponse |
GetEnvironment |
UpdateEnvironmentRequest |
UpdateEnvironmentOkResponse |
DeleteEnvironment |
GetEnvironmentForks |
GetEnvironmentForksSort |
ForkEnvironmentRequest |
ForkEnvironmentOkResponse |
MergeEnvironmentForkRequest |
MergeEnvironmentForkOkResponse |
PullEnvironmentRequest |
PullEnvironmentOkResponse |
ImportOpenApiDefinitionRequest |
ImportExportFile |
ImportOpenApiDefinitionOkResponse |
GetAuthenticatedUser |
GetMocks |
CreateMock |
MockCreateUpdate |
GetMock |
UpdateMock |
DeleteMock |
GetMockCallLogs |
GetMockCallLogsSort |
PublishMock |
UnpublishMock |
GetMockServerResponses |
Information about the server response. |
CreateMockServerResponse |
UpdateMockServerResponse |
DeleteMockServerResponse |
Information about the deleted server response. |
GetMonitors |
CreateMonitorRequest |
CreateMonitorOkResponse |
GetMonitor |
UpdateMonitorRequest |
UpdateMonitorOkResponse |
DeleteMonitor |
RunMonitor |
GetPanElementsAndFolders |
GetAllElementsAndFoldersSort |
GetAllElementsAndFoldersType |
PostPanElementOrFolderRequest |
PostPanElementOrFolderCreatedResponse |
UpdatePanElementOrFolderRequest |
UpdatePanElementOrFolderOkResponse |
UpdatePanElementOrFolderElementType |
DeletePanElementOrFolder |
GetAllPanAddElementRequests |
GetAllPanAddElementRequestsStatus |
PrivateApiNetworkRespondPanElementAddRequestRequest1 |
RespondPanElementAddRequestOkResponse |
PullRequestGet |
PullRequestUpdate |
PullRequestUpdated |
SchemaSecurityValidationRequest |
SchemaSecurityValidationOkResponse |
GetScimGroupResources |
CreateScimGroupRequest |
CreateScimGroupCreatedResponse |
GetScimGroupResource |
ScimUpdateGroupRequest |
ScimUpdateGroupOkResponse |
GetScimResourceTypes |
GetScimServiceProviderConfig |
Information about Postman's SCIM API configurations and supported operations. |
GetScimUserResources |
CreateScimUserRequest |
CreateScimUserCreatedResponse |
GetScimUserResourceOkResponse |
UpdateScimUser |
UpdateScimUserState |
CreateWebhookRequest |
CreateWebhookOkResponse |
GetWorkspaces |
GetWorkspacesType |
GetWorkspacesInclude |
CreateWorkspaceRequest |
CreateWorkspaceOkResponse |
GetWorkspaceRoles |
GetWorkspace |
UpdateWorkspaceRequest |
UpdateWorkspaceOkResponse |
DeleteWorkspace |
GetWorkspaceGlobalVariables |
Information about the workspace's global variables. |
UpdateWorkspaceGlobalVariablesRequest |
UpdateWorkspaceGlobalVariablesOkResponse |
Information about the workspace's updated global variables. |
UpdateWorkspaceRolesRequest |
UpdateWorkspaceRolesOkResponse |
SalesChannel |
The sales channel from which the account was created: - SELF_SERVE — The user purchased the account plan. - SALES_SERVE — The account was purchased through the Postman sales team process. |
Slots |
Information about the team's slots. |
InvoiceData |
Information about the invoice. |
TotalAmount |
Information about the invoice's total billed amount. |
Links |
A JSON API spec object containing hypermedia links. |
Web |
An object containing web-based account references. |
GetApisApis |
The API's base data schema. |
GetApisMeta |
The response's meta information for paginated results. |
GetApi1 |
The API's base data schema. |
GetApi2 |
GitInfo |
Information about the API's Git repository integration. |
GetApi2Schemas |
Information about the schema. |
GetApi2Versions |
Information about the version. |
GetApi2Collections |
Information about the collection. |
AddApiCollection1 |
AddApiCollection2 |
AddApiCollection3 |
AddApiCollection1Data |
AddApiCollection1OperationType |
AddApiCollection2OperationType |
AddApiCollection3Data |
Information about the collection's contents, such as requests and responses. For a complete list of values, refer to the collection.json schema file. |
AddApiCollection3OperationType |
The CREATE_NEW method. |
DataInfo |
Information about the collection. |
InfoSchema |
The collection's schema format. |
CommentResponseData |
Information about the comment. |
CommentCreateUpdateTags |
Information about users tagged in the body comment. |
UserName |
An object that contains information about the tagged user. The object's name is the user's Postman username. For example, @user-postman . |
UserNameType |
The user value. |
CommentCreatedUpdatedData |
CreateApiSchemaType1 |
The schema's type. |
CreateApiSchemaFiles1 |
FilesRoot |
Information about the schema's root file. |
Enabled |
If true, tag the file as the root file. The root tag is only allowed for protobuf specifications. |
CreateApiSchemaType2 |
The schema's type. |
CreateApiSchemaFiles2 |
Information about the schema file. |
GetApiSchema1 |
Information about the schema. |
GetApiSchema2 |
Information about the schema. |
GetApiSchema1Files |
Information about the schema's files. The response is paginated and limited to one page. |
FilesData |
Information about the schema file. |
FilesMeta |
GetApiSchemaFilesMeta |
The schema's non-standard meta information. |
GetApiSchemaFilesFiles |
Information about the schema file. |
CreateUpdateApiSchemaFileRoot |
Information about the schema's root file. This tag only applies to protobuf specifications. |
GetStatusOfAnAsyncTaskMeta |
The response's non-standard meta information. |
GetStatusOfAnAsyncTaskStatus |
The task's current status. |
Details |
MetaModel |
The model for which the task is performing the operation. |
Action |
The task's action. |
Details1 |
Information about the task's resources. |
Details2 |
Information about the error that occurred during the task's processing. |
Details1Resources |
Error |
GetApiVersionsMeta |
The response's meta information for paginated results. |
GetApiVersionsVersions |
Information about the API version. |
CreateApiVersion1 |
Information about the API version. |
CreateApiVersion2 |
Information about the API version. |
CreateApiVersion3 |
Information about the API version. |
CreateApiVersion1Schemas |
Information about the schema. |
CreateApiVersion1Collections |
Information about the collection. |
CreateApiVersion2Schemas |
Information about the schema. |
CreateApiVersion2Collections |
Information about the collection. |
CreateApiVersion3Schemas |
Information about the schema. |
CreateApiVersion3Collections |
Information about the collection. |
Version |
Information about the API version. |
VersionSchemas |
VersionCollections |
TagGetPutTags |
Information about the tag. |
TagUpdateTagsTags |
Information about the tag. |
GetTaggedEntitiesData |
An object containing the paginated elements. |
GetTaggedEntitiesMeta |
The response's pagination information. |
Entities |
EntitiesEntityType |
The type of Postman element. |
Trails |
TrailsData |
Actor |
Information about the user who preformed the audit event. |
DataUser |
Information about the user. |
DataTeam |
The user's t |