
1.0.4 • Public • Published

postcss-unitlist NPM version

PostCSS plugin that can customize any unit and convert it to the specified unit according to the formula. Some of the design of this project is from postcss-pxtorem.


$ npm install postcss-unitlist --save-dev


  media: false,
  replace: true,
  propList: ['*'],
  unitList: [
      math: '$word / 16',
      word: 'px',
      unit: 'rem',
      math: '$word / 100',
      word: 'rpx',
      unit: 'rem',
      math: '100 / 750 * $word',
      word: 'vpx',
      unit: 'vw',
  • media (Boolean) Allows conversion of customize units in media queries. Default: false
  • replace (Boolean) Replace rules that contain customize units instead of adding fallbacks. Default: true
  • propList (Array) Properties that allow conversion to customize units. Default: ['*']
    • Values need to be exact matches.
    • Use wildcard * to enable all properties. Example: ['*']
    • Use * at the start or end of a word. (['*position*'] will match background-position-y)
    • Use ! to not match a property. Example: ['*', '!letter-spacing']
    • Combine the "not" prefix with the other prefixes. Example: ['*', '!font*']
  • unitList (Array) List of matching rules for customize units. Default: []. Plugin will not work by default.
  • exclude (String, Regexp, Function) The file path to ignore and leave as the original unit. Default: /node_modules/i
    • If value is string, it checks to see if file path contains the string.
      • 'exclude' will match \project\postcss-pxtorem\exclude\path
    • If value is regexp, it checks to see if file path matches the regexp.
      • /exclude/i will match \project\postcss-pxtorem\exclude\path
    • If value is function, you can use exclude function to return a true and the file will be ignored.
      • the callback will pass the file path as a parameter, it should returns a Boolean result.
      • function (file) { return file.indexOf('exclude') !== -1; }


// Input

.rule {
  width: 750rpx;
  height: 750vpx;
  font-size: 0rpx;
  border-radius: 0px;

@media (min-width: 1024px) { 
  .rule {
    font-size: 24rpx;

// Output

.rule {
  width: 7.5rem;
  height: 100vw;
  font-size: 0;
  border-radius: 0;

@media (min-width: 1024px) { 
  .rule {
    font-size: 0.24rem;

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  • raysoul