Poochie is one outrageous microframework.
[Poochie - TodoMVC] (https://github.com/garious/poochie-todomvc)
[More Examples] (https://github.com/garious/poochie-examples)
I failed to find a web framework that allowed me to write a web app with the following properties:
- The application description should be a single data-driven, declarative expression.
- It should be possible to incrementally add dynamic behavior and maintain 100% line and branch coverage.
- It should be possible to introduce components without affecting the existing behavior.
Poochie and Mercury are similar in scope. Both provide libraries and programming techniques for defining testable, dynamic components in JavaScript. Some differences:
- Poochie does not use virtual-dom
- Poochie is compact, it's 1.8kb min.gzip.js, that's 5 times smaller than Mercury.
- Poochie is lean, it's an afternoon's read, under 500 LoC.
Poochie chooses a slightly different abstraction than Mercury. Both implement the concept of observable variables that represent the application's dynamic behavior. But with Mercury, one keeps the app's state machine separate from the application. The application is then rendered from snapshots of that state, and then the DOM is diff'ed against the previous rendering to determine what changed. With Poochie, the virtual DOM is aware of observables. When the virtual DOM is rendered, the renderer detects the presence of observables, and sets up handlers that modify the DOM directly. No diffs needed.
- Yoink
- Mercury.js
- Bacon.js
- Fran
- RxJS
To download this package's dependencies:
$ npm install
To lint the code and run the unit tests:
$ npm test