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Polymath Core

The Polymath Core smart contracts provide a system for launching regulatory-compliant securities tokens on a decentralized blockchain. This particular repository is the implementation of a system that allows for the creation of ST-20-compatible tokens. This system has a modular design that promotes a variety of pluggable components for various types of issuances, legal requirements, and offering processes.

ST-20 Interface Overview


An ST-20 token is an Ethereum-based token implemented on top of the ERC-20 protocol that adds the ability for tokens to control transfers based on specific rules. ST-20 tokens rely on Transfer Managers to determine the ruleset the token should apply in order to allow or deny a transfer, be it between the issuer and investors, in a peer to peer exchange, or a transaction with an exchange.

How it works

ST-20 tokens must implement a verifyTransfer method which will be called when attempting to execute a transfer or transferFrom method. The verifyTransfer method will determine whether that transaction can be completed or not. The implementation of verifyTransfer can take many forms, but the default approach is a whitelist controlled by the GeneralTransferManager.

The ST-20 Interface

contract IST20 {

    // off-chain hash
    bytes32 public tokenDetails;

    //transfer, transferFrom must respect the result of verifyTransfer
    function verifyTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) view public returns (bool success);

    //used to create tokens
    function mint(address _investor, uint256 _amount) public returns (bool success);

The Polymath Core Architecture

The diagram below depicts a high-level view of the various modules, registries, and contracts implemented in Polymath Core:

Polymath Core architecture



SecurityToken is an implementation of the ST-20 protocol that allows the addition of different modules to control its behavior. Different modules can be attached to SecurityToken:

  • TransferManager modules: These control the logic behind transfers and how they are allowed or disallowed. By default, the ST (Security Token) gets a GeneralTransferManager module attached in order to determine if transfers should be allowed based on a whitelist approach. The GeneralTransferManager behaves differently depending who is trying to transfer the tokens. a) In an offering setting (investors buying tokens from the issuer) the investor's address should be present on an internal whitelist managed by the issuer within the GeneralTransferManager. b) In a peer to peer transfer, restrictions apply based on real-life lockups that are enforced on-chain. For example, if a particular holder has a 1-year sale restriction for the token, the transaction will fail until that year passes.
  • Security Token Offering (STO) modules: A SecurityToken can be attached to one (and only one) STO module that will dictate the logic of how those tokens will be sold/distributed. An STO is the equivalent to the Crowdsale contracts often found present in traditional ICOs.
  • Permission Manager modules: These modules manage permissions on different aspects of the issuance process. The issuer can use this module to manage permissions and designate administrators on his token. For example, the issuer might give a KYC firm permissions to add investors to the whitelist.
  • Checkpoint Modules: These modules allow the issuer to define checkpoints at which token balances and the total supply of a token can be consistently queried. This functionality is useful for dividend payment mechanisms and on-chain governance, both of which need to be able to determine token balances consistently as of a specified point in time.


The ticker registry manages the sign up process to the Polymath platform. Issuers can use this contract to register a token symbol (which are unique within the Polymath network). Token Symbol registrations have an expiration period (7 days by default) in which the issuer has to complete the process of deploying their SecurityToken. If they do not complete the process in time, their ticker symbol will be made available for someone else to register.


The security token registry keeps track of deployed STs on the Polymath Platform and uses the TickerRegistry to allow only registered symbols to be deployed.


Modules allow custom add-in functionality in the issuance process and beyond. The module registry keeps track of modules added by Polymath or any other users. Modules can only be attached to STs if Polymath has previously verified them. If not, the only user able to utilize a module is its owner, and they should be using it "at their own risk".

Stepping through an issuance with the CLI Tool

First, assure that you have setup Polymath Core properly.

The Polymath CLI (Command Line Interface) commands are operated from a *nix command prompt (unix or mac).

It can be used in three differents ways:

  1. Connected to a full ethereum node: You have to save your Parity account password to $HOME/password.file and run Parity with the following command to get started (make sure the node is fully synced before using the CLI tool):
parity --chain ropsten  --rpcapi "eth,net,web3,personal,parity" --unlock YOUR_ETH_ACCOUNT --password $HOME/password.file
  1. Connected to a remote ethereum node: You can access Ethereum via the Infura load-balanced nodes. You have to save your private key to ./privKey file and run CLI command adding --remote-node <network> option.
node CLI/polymath-cli faucet --remote-node kovan
  1. Connected to a local private test network using ganache-cli. You have to save the private key for the one of the accounts generated by ganache into ./privKeyLocal.

Poly Faucet

If you are working on a local private network, you should run the faucet command to get Poly necessary to pay fees for the other commands.

node CLI/polymath-cli faucet

Generating ST-20 token

The ST-20 Generator command is a wizard-like script that will guide technical users in the creation and deployment of an ST-20 token.

  1. Edit CLI/commands/helpers/contract_addresses.js to make sure scripts are pointing to the correct contract addresses
  2. On the terminal, run the following command:
node CLI/polymath-cli st20generator
  1. Follow the text prompts:
    • You will be asked for a token symbol. Enter a new symbol to register or a symbol you have already registered.
    • Enter a token name (long name seen by investors) to complete the token registration process. The token will be deployed to the blockchain.
    • (Optional) If you want to issue tokens to an address you own enter the address and then how many tokens you want to issue. If you want to issue tokens to a list of affiliates press Y and it will update a whitelist with them and then tokens will be issued. Make sure the whitelist_data.csv and multi_mint_data.csv files are present in the data folder and fulfilled with the right information.
    • Choose between Capped STO and USD Tiered STO.
    • Configure the selected STO. Enter start and end times, the issuance type, and exchange rate.
  2. Once the process is finished, you can run the node CLI/polymath-cli st20generator command again and enter the token symbol to see the STO's live-progress.

Whitelisting investors

After starting the STO you can run a command to mass-update a whitelist of allowed/known investors. Make sure the whitelist_data.csv file is present in the data folder. The command takes 2 parameters:

  • The token symbol for the STO you want to invest in
  • (Optional) The size of each batch
node CLI/polymath-cli whitelist TOKEN_SYMBOL [BATCH_SIZE]

Initial minting

Before starting the STO you can run a command to distribute tokens to previously whitelisted investors. Make sure the multi_mint_data file is present in the data folder. The command takes 2 parameters:

  • The token symbol for the STO you want to invest in
  • (Optional) The size of each batch
node CLI/polymath-cli multi_mint TOKEN_SYMBOL [BATCH_SIZE]

Investing in the STO

You can run the investor_portal command to participate in any STO you have been whitelisted for. You will be asked for an account, the token symbol and amount for the STO you want to invest in.

node CLI/polymath-cli investor_portal

Transferring tokens

You can run the transfer command to transfer ST tokens to another account (as long as both are whitelisted and have been cleared of any lockup periods).

  • The token symbol of the ST you want to transfer
  • The account that will receive the tokens
  • How many tokens to send
node CLI/polymath-cli transfer TOKEN_SYMBOL ACCOUNT_TO AMOUNT

Managing modules

You can run the module manager command to view all the modules attached to a token and their status. You will be asked for a token symbol.

node CLI/polymath-cli module_manager

Dividends manager

You can run this command to create dividends and paid them out proportionally to token holder balances as of the time that the dividend was created, or at the time of a specified checkpoint that was created previously. You can choose between Ether or ERC20 dividens.

node CLI/polymath-cli dividends_manager

Setting up Polymath Core



Contract Address
SecurityTokenRegistry (Proxy): 0x240f9f86b1465bf1b8eb29bc88cbf65573dfdd97
ModuleRegistry (Proxy): 0x4566d68ea96fc2213f2446f0dd0f482146cee96d
Polymath Registry: 0xdfabf3e4793cd30affb47ab6fa4cf4eef26bbc27
Feature Registry: 0xa3eacb03622bf1513880892b7270d965f693ffb5
ETHOracle: 0x60055e9a93aae267da5a052e95846fa9469c0e7a
POLYOracle: 0x52cb4616E191Ff664B0bff247469ce7b74579D1B
General Transfer Manager Factory: 0xdc95598ef2bbfdb66d02d5f3eea98ea39fbc8b26
General Permission Manager Factory: 0xf0aa1856360277c60052d6095c5b787b01388cdd
CappedSTOFactory: 0x77d89663e8819023a87bfe2bc9baaa6922c0e57c
USDTieredSTO Factory: 0x5a3a30bddae1f857a19b1aed93b5cdb3c3da809a
EthDividendsCheckpointFactory: 0x968c74c52f15b2de323eca8c677f6c9266bfefd6
ERC20 Dividends Checkpoint Factory: 0x82f9f1ab41bacb1433c79492e54bf13bccd7f9ae
Count Transfer Manager Factory: 0xd9fd7e34d6e2c47a69e02131cf8554d52c3445d5
Percentage Transfer Manager Factory: 0xe6267a9c0a227d21c95b782b1bd32bb41fc3b43b
Manual Approval Transfer Manager Factory: 0xda89fe5b254c04e2ee10d5acb24ed72f1d60ceed



New Kovan PolyTokenFaucet: 0xb347b9f5b56b431b2cf4e1d90a5995f7519ca792

Contract Address
SecurityTokenRegistry (Proxy): 0xbefb81114d532bddddc724af20c3516fa75f0afb
ModuleRegistry (Proxy): 0x0fac8d8cce224eead73c1187df96570aa80a568b
Polymath Registry: 0x9903e7b5acfe5fa9713771a8d861eb1df8cd7046
Feature Registry: 0xa8f85006fdacb3d59ffae564c05433f0c949e911
ETHOracle: 0xCE5551FC9d43E9D2CC255139169FC889352405C8
POLYOracle: 0x461d98EF2A0c7Ac1416EF065840fF5d4C946206C
General Transfer Manager Factory: 0xfe7e2bb6c200d5222c82d0f8fecca5f8fe4ab8ce
General Permission Manager Factory: 0xde5eaa8d73f43fc5e7badb203f03ecae2b29bd92
CappedSTOFactory: 0xe14d7dd044cc6cfe37548b6791416c59f19bfc0d
USDTieredSTO Factory: 0xf9f0bb9f868d411dd9a9511a79d172449e3c15f5
EthDividendsCheckpointFactory: 0x2861425ba5abbf50089c473b28f6c40a8ea5262a
ERC20 Dividends Checkpoint Factory: 0xbf9495550417feaacc43f86d2244581b6d688431
Count Transfer Manager Factory: 0x3c3c1f40ae2bdca82b90541b2cfbd41caa941c0e
Percentage Transfer Manager Factory: 0x8cd00c3914b2967a8b79815037f51c76874236b8
Manual Approval Transfer Manager Factory: 0x19288e00a1f507b9c03570668854da533d398395

Package version requirements for your machine:

  • node v8.x.x or v9.x.x
  • npm v6.x.x or newer
  • Yarn v1.3 or newer
  • Homebrew v1.6.7 (for macOS)
  • Truffle v4.1.11 (core: 4.1.11)
  • Solidity v0.4.24 (solc-js)
  • Ganache CLI v6.1.3 (ganache-core: 2.1.2) or newer


The smart contracts are written in Solidity and tested/deployed using Truffle version 4.1.0. The new version of Truffle doesn't require testrpc to be installed separately so you can just run the following:

# Install Truffle package globally: 
$ npm install --global truffle
# (Only for windows) set up build tools for node-gyp by running below command in powershell: 
$ npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
# Install local node dependencies: 
$ yarn


To test the code simply run:

# on *nix systems 
$ npm run test
# on windows systems 
$ npm run wintest

Extending Polymath Core

  1. Deploy ModuleRegistry. ModuleRegistry keeps track of all available modules that add new functionalities to Polymath-based security tokens.

  2. Deploy GeneralTransferManagerFactory. This module allows the use of a general TransferManager for newly issued security tokens. The General Transfer Manager gives STs the ability to have their transfers restricted by using an on-chain whitelist.

  3. Add the GeneralTransferManagerFactory module to ModuleRegistry by calling ModuleRegistry.registerModule().

  4. Deploy TickerRegistry. This contract handles the registration of unique token symbols. Issuers first have to claim their token symbol through the TickerRegistry. If it's available they will be able to deploy a ST with the same symbol for a set number of days before the registration expires.

  5. Deploy SecurityTokenRegistry. This contract is responsible for deploying new Security Tokens. STs should always be deployed by using the SecurityTokenRegistry.

Deploying Security Token Offerings (Network Admin Only)

Security Token Offerings (STOs) grant STs the ability to be distributed in an initial offering. Polymath offers a few out-of-the-box STO models for issuers to select from and, as the platform evolves, 3rd party developers will be able to create their own offerings and make them available to the network.

As an example, we've included a CappedSTO and CappedSTOFactory contracts.

In order to create a new STO, developers first have to create an STO Factory contract which will be responsible for instantiating STOs as Issuers select them. Each STO Factory has an STO contract attached to it, which will be instantiated for each Security Token that wants to use that particular STO.

To make an STO available for Issuers, first, deploy the STO Factory and take note of its address. Then, call moduleRegistry.registerModule(STO Factory address);

Once the STO Factory has been registered to the Module Registry, issuers will be able to see it on the Polymath dApp and they will be able to add it as a module of the ST.

Note that while anyone can register an STO Factory, only those "approved" by Polymath will be enabled to be attached by the general community. An STO Factory not yet approved by Polymath may only be used by it's author.

Code Styleguide

The polymath-core repo follows the Solidity style guide.


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