This is a poi plugin for viewing information related to docking and anchorage repair.
Unlike existing plugin Anchorage repair, this plugin focuses more on giving you an overview of all damaged ships and makes it a bit easier to plan docking & anchorage repair at the same time.
How to Use & Features
Using it should be straightforward. Feel free to open an issue if not xD.
Few simple filters and sorting methods are implemented:
Hide Unlocked: When turned on, ship with heart-locks are excluded from the list.
Health: Health state based filter:
All: shows all ships regardless of their health state
≤ Minor Dmg: shows all ships whose health state is better than moderate damaged. In other words, this filter gives you ships that can be anchorage-repaired.
> Minor Dmg: shows all moderate damaged / heavily damaged ships. In other words, this filter gives you all ships that cannot be anchorage-repaired
Click on the button repeatly to switch between different states
Sort by Id / Type / Name / Level / HP / Docking Time / Time per HP
Time per HP is the amount of time necessary to recover 1HP when docking. Note that total docking time is
30 seconds + HP lost * Time per HP
. -
Selecting the same sorting method causes the order to reverse
Table headers are also clickable, which serves the same purpose.
Simple Mode
If you don't have enough room to show all columns, you can enable "Simple Mode" through plugin settings:
Auto Switch
When this plugin is allowed to auto switch, going to the docking page in game will cause auto-switching to this plugin.
- Fix dropdown button issue.
- Changelog starts from this version.
- Now counts number of ships listed.