React Markmirror
A WYSIWYG markdown editor for React which uses CodeMirror.
An demo is available at
- Features
- Installation
- Example
- Props
- Methods
- Themes
- Styling
- Button Customizing
- Toolbar Customizing
- Dropping and Uploading Files
- Custom Prompt
- Previewing
- Internationalization (i18n)
- Storybook
- Themes
- Syntax highlighting
- Customizable toolbar, buttons, and prompts
- Drag and drop file uploading
- Internationalization (i18n)
The module is installed using npm, and sets 'react' and 'prop-types' as peer dependencies. Meaning they must be installed separately.
npm install react-markmirror react prop-types --save
;;; Component { superprops; thisstate = code: '' ; } { this; }; { return <Markmirror value=thisstatecode onChange=thishandleChange /> ; } ReactDOM;