
1.0.3 • Public • Published

##Filesystem Plans A planitjs plan type for directory and file management.

You can:

  • compare the current filesystem structure with your planned one
  • write items in the filesystem which are inside your plan
  • delete items in the filesystem which are outside your plan


# plans/fs-documents.yaml
- photos:
    - 2016:
        - January:
            - hawaii.jpg
            - thailand0.jpg
            - thailand1.jpg
            - thailand2.jpg
        - February:
            - <empty>
        - December:
            - <etc>
    - 2015:
        - <etc>
    - 2014:
        - <etc>
- projects:
    - portfoloi-site:
        - index.html
        - about.html
        - projects.html
        - pug:
            - <etc>
        - sass:
            - <etc>
        - css:
            - <empty>
        - js:
            - <empty>
    - <etc>

###Tags When processing file system plans, you need to provide tags.

There are 3 tags (read, write and delete).

When providing tags as CLI arguments, you can use a combination of the three. In your combination, simply use the first letter of each tag and do not separate them with space.

Read tag just reads file system and matches it against the plan, giving summary of missing and unwanted files and directories.

If 'read' tag isn't provided in a tag combination, planitis will assume it exists.

Delete tag removes unwanted files/directories.

Write tag creates missing files/directories.


Process file system plans

planitis fsmaps <tags>

Process all file system plans.


planitis fsmaps rwd

Read, create and delete tag is provided here. Missing and unwanted files/directories will be created and deleted respectively.

planitis fsmaps d

Unwanted files/directories will be deleted. Notice that the 'read' tag isn't provided and it won't make a difference as planitis assumes that it already exists.

Process a specified file system plan

planitis fsmap <tags> <file_name>

Process a specific file system plan.

Tags are explained under the previous heading. File name is relative to fsmaps/ in the directory you're currently in.




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  • nahiyan