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0.3.0 • Public • Published


A dead simple immutable store for react to manage state in your application, redux alternative in less than 1kb gzipped.


# npm
npm install plain-store
# yarn
yarn add plain-store


using with bundler or es module

import { createStore, isDeepEqual, deepFreeze } from 'plain-store';

const initialState = {
  count: 0

const store = createStore(initialState);
store.setStore({ count: 1 });

function Counter() {
  const { count } = store.useStore();
  const doubled = store.useSelector((state) => state.count * 2);
  return (
      <div>count: {count}</div>
      <div>doubled: {doubled}</div>
      <button onClick={() => store.setStore((prev) => ({ count: 1 + prev.count }))}>Increment</button>

store.getStore(); // { count: 1 }
store.setStore((prev) => ({ count: 2 + prev.count })); // { count: 3 }, will trigger Counter re-render

using with script tag

<!-- include react -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  const { createStore, isDeepEqual, deepFreeze } = PlainStore;
  const store = createStore({ count: 0 }, {
    onChange: (value) => {
      console.log('store value changed', value);
  store.setStore({ count: 1 });


createStore(initialState, options?)

Create a store with the initial state.

import { createStore } from 'plain-store';

interface ICreateStoreOptions<T> {
   * listen to the store value changes
  onChange?: (value: T) => void;
   * custom comparator for store value changes, default to `isDeepEqual`
   * * use it when the default comparator is not working as expected
   * * `isDeepEqual` works for most cases, but it's not perfect, you can provide a custom comparator to handle the edge cases or performance issues.
  comparator?: (a: any, b: any) => boolean;

interface IStore<T> {
  // Get the current state of the store, none reactive, could be used anywhere.
  getStore: () => Readonly<T>;
  // Set the state of the store, could be used anywhere, callback could be async.
  // * return a promise if the params is async function
  // * use getStore() to get the latest state of the store when using async function
  setStore: (state: T | ((prev: T) => T | Promise<T>)) => void | Promise<void>;
  // react hook to get the current state of the store.
  useStore: () => Readonly<T>;
  // react hook to select a part of the state.
  useSelector: <R>(selector: (state: T) => R) => R;
function createStore<T>(initialState: T | (() => T), options?: ICreateStoreOptions<T>): IStore<T>;

[!WARNING] The store value is immutable(freezed by Object.freeze), do not mutate the store value directly or an error will be thrown.

// always use a new object to update the store value
store.setStore((prev) => ({ ...prev, newItem: 'xxx' }))

isDeepEqual(a, b)

Check if two values are deeply equal, can efficiently compare common data structures like objects, arrays, regexp, date and primitives.

import { isDeepEqual } from 'plain-store';
function isDeepEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean;


Freeze an object deeply

import { deepFreeze } from 'plain-store';
function deepFreeze(obj: any): any;


Check if a value is a promise

import { isPromiseLike } from 'plain-store';
function isPromiseLike(obj: any): boolean;



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  • evecalm