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0.5.5 • Public • Published


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A tiny in-memory javascript database with indexing and SQL like filters.


  • Speed - PixieDb perform get in the O(1) and other all operations (insert, delete, select*) in log(n) time. Can perform get operation with unique index (18M ops/s) and binary-index (5M ops/s) which is 15-20 times faster than lokijs/lokidb.
  • Quick load - loads data 20x faster than lokijs/lokidb.
  • Realtime filtering - perform filtering and event calling in realtime.
  • Memory efficient - use iterators and Binary indexes (red black tree) for indexes to perform filtering.
  • Events - notifies you about load, insert, update, delete, and quit to sync your state with the database.
  • Indexes = for fast filtering.
  • Chaining = supports filter chaining.

[!WARNING] Please keep in mind that PixieDb is still in under active development.


import { PixieDb } from "pixiedb";

const products = [
    { id: 1, name: "Apple", price: 5, category: "Fruit" },
    { id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 10, category: "Fruit" },
    { id: 3, name: "Grapes", price: 6, category: "Fruit" },
    { id: 4, name: "Orange", price: 8, category: "Fruit" },
    { id: 5, name: "Potato", price: 18, category: "Vegetable" },
    { id: 6, name: "Milk", price: 7, category: "Dairy" },
    // ...

// provide unique key, data and indexes for better performance
// 3rd param data is optional, Can be loaded after using the load method
const pd = new PixieDb('id', ["price", "category"], products) 
// or
const pd = new PixieDb<Product>('id', ["price", "category"]) // pass type if using typescript
pd.load(products) // to load data later

const byId = pd.select().eq("id", 2).single()
console.log(byId); // { id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 10, category: "Fruit" }

// can also pass an array of fields to select method to pick only those fields/properties
const fruitBelow10 = pd.select(["id", "name", "price"]).eq("category", "Fruit").lte("price", 10).orderBy(["name", ["price", "desc"]]).range(2, 3).data()
console.log(fruitBelow10); // [{ id: 3, name: "Grapes", price: 6 }, ...]

const updatedBanana = pd.where().eq("name", "Banana").update({price: 100})
// [{ id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 100, category: "Fruit" }, ...]

// delete all docs where name equals "Apple"
const deletedApples = pd.where().eq("name", "Apple").delete()
// [{ id: 1, name: "Apple", price: 5, category: "Fruit"}, ...]


# using npm
npm install pixiedb

# using pnpm
pnpm add pixiedb

# using yarn
yarn add pixiedb

# using bun
bun add pixiedb



This is a class which creates an PixieDb instance to use.

// pass type/interface if using typescript
const pd = new PixieDb<Product>('id', ["price", "category"]) 

// or with data
const pd = new PixieDb<Product>('id', ["price", "category"], products)



Used to import data without cloning (so don't mutate the data or clone before load). Pass true as second parameter to clear the previous data and indexes state. (Default: false).

// or
pd.load(products, true)
// remove previous data and index state


Get single doc/row using key (primary key/unique id). Returns doc/row, if present else undefined.

// { id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 10, category: "Fruit" }


Get single doc/row using key (primary key/unique id). Returns doc/row, if present else undefined.

pd.select().eq("category", "Fruit").gte("price", 6).data()
// [{ id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 10, category: "Fruit" }, { id: 3, name: "Grapes", price: 6, category: "Fruit" }, ...]

pd.select(["id", "name", "price"]).eq("category", "Fruit").lte("price", 6).data()
// [{ id: 1, name: "Apple", price: 5 }, ...]

pd.select().eq("category", "Fruit").between("price", [6, 10]).data()
// [{ id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 10, category: "Fruit" }, { id: 3, name: "Grapes", price: 6, category: "Fruit" }, { id: 4, name: "Orange", price: 8, category: "Fruit" }, ...]


used to perform delete/update with complex filtering

// this will delete and return all the docs according to the filters
pd.where().eq("category", "Fruit").gte("price", 6).delete()
// [{ id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 10, category: "Fruit" }, { id: 3, name: "Grapes", price: 6, category: "Fruit" }, ...]

pd.where().eq("category", "Fruit").between("price", [6, 10]).update({price: 11})
// [{ id: 2, name: "Banana", price: 11, category: "Fruit" }, { id: 3, name: "Grapes", price: 11, category: "Fruit" }, { id: 4, name: "Orange", price: 11, category: "Fruit" }, ...]


Get all docs/rows ordered respecting to primary key/unique id. Pass false to get all without clone (don't modify). Default: true

// [{ id: 1, name: "Apple", price: 5, category: "Fruit" }, ...]


Get all docs/rows ordered respecting to primary key/unique id. Pass false to get all without clone (don't modify). Default: true

// 6

pd.select().eq("category", "Fruit").between("price", [6, 10]).count()
// 4


to close/quit/terminate the database and remove all data/indexes and fire "Q" ("quit") event. Pass true to not emit events. Default: false

// or
pd.close(true) // doesn't fire event


return JSON of all data (without cloning), key and index names.

// { key: "id", indexes: ["price", "category", {name: "id", unique: true}], data: [{ id: 1, name: "Apple", price: 10, category: "Fruit" }, ...]

// this will call the above toJSON method

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  • [X] load docs
  • [X] get all docs
  • [X] get docs with key
  • [X] Events (load, change, insert, update, delete, quit)
  • [X] orderBy with multiple keys (sorting)
  • [X] single doc with filters
  • [X] count of docs with filters
  • [X] update of docs with filters
  • [X] delete of docs with filters
  • [ ] Plugin support
  • [ ] Unique indexes (currently override the previous)
  • [X] filters
    • [X] eq (equal)
    • [X] neq (not equal)
    • [X] in (value in)
    • [X] nin (value not in)
    • [X] between - values within a given range (>= and <=). begin and end values are included.
    • [X] nbetween - values not within a given range (< or >). begin and end values are not included.
    • [X] gt (greater than)
    • [X] gte (greater than or equal to)
    • [X] lt (less than)
    • [X] lte (less than or equal to)
    • [ ] custom query method
  • [X] range offset (from) and count (limit of docs to return)
  • [ ] multiple tables
  • [ ] joins
  • [ ] changes api
  • [ ] custom clone method
  • [ ] custom compare method
  • [ ] views
    • [ ] Basic views
    • [ ] Materialized views (persist)
  • [ ] plugins
    • [ ] persist (localStorage, indexedb)
    • [ ] sync with other databases
    • [ ] sync with browser tabs
    • [ ] transaction

Other Details

query filters that use binary index (perform operation in log(n))

  • eq
  • in
  • between log(n) + count of docs between
  • gt log(n) + count of docs
  • gte log(n) + count of docs
  • lt log(n) + count of docs
  • lte log(n) + count of docs

other query filters

  • neq O(n)
  • nin O(n)
  • nbetween log(n) + count of docs (where value less than or equal to)

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  • pixiedev