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This is a plugin that only has a peer dependency to vue. What piral-vue brings to the table is a set of Pilet API extensions that can be used with piral or piral-core.

The set includes a Vue@2 converter for any component registration, as well as a fromVue shortcut and a VueExtension component.

By default, these API extensions are not integrated in piral, so you'd need to add them to your Piral instance.


The following functions are brought to the Pilet API.


Transforms a standard Vue@2 component into a component that can be used in Piral, essentially wrapping it with a reference to the corresponding converter.


The extension slot component to be used in Vue@2 components. This is not really needed, as it is made available automatically via a Vue@2 custom element named extension-component.


::: summary: For pilet authors

You can use the fromVue function from the Pilet API to convert your Vue@2 components to components usable by your Piral instance.

Example use:

import { PiletApi } from '<name-of-piral-instance>';
import VuePage from './Page.vue';

export function setup(piral: PiletApi) {
  piral.registerPage('/sample', piral.fromVue(VuePage));

Within Vue@2 components the Piral Vue@2 extension component can be used by referring to extension-component, e.g.,

<extension-component name="name-of-extension"></extension-component>

Alternatively, if piral-vue has not been added to the Piral instance you can install and use the package also from a pilet directly.

import { PiletApi } from '<name-of-piral-instance>';
import { fromVue } from 'piral-vue/convert';
import VuePage from './Page.vue';

export function setup(piral: PiletApi) {
  piral.registerPage('/sample', fromVue(VuePage));


::: summary: For Piral instance developers

Using Vue with Piral is as simple as installing piral-vue and vue@^2.

import { createVueApi } from 'piral-vue';

The integration looks like:

const instance = createInstance({
  // important part
  plugins: [createVueApi()],
  // ...

The vue package should be shared with the pilets via the package.json:

  "importmap": {
    "imports": {
      "vue": ""


Development Setup

For your bundler additional packages may be necessary. For instance, for Webpack the following setup is required:

First, install the additional dev dependencies

npm i vue-loader@^15 @vue/compiler-sfc@^2 --save-dev

then add a webpack.config.js to use them

const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader');

module.exports = function (config) {
    test: /\.vue$/,
    use: 'vue-loader'
  config.plugins.push(new VueLoaderPlugin());
  return config;

Now, .vue files are correctly picked up and handled.

Alternatively, the Webpack configuration can be rather simplistic. In many cases you can use the convenience extend-webpack module.

This is how your webpack.config.js can look like with the convenience module:

const extendWebpack = require('piral-vue/extend-webpack');

module.exports = extendWebpack({});

For using piral-vue/extend-webpack you must have installed:

  • vue-loader (at version 15)
  • @vue/compiler-sfc^2
  • webpack, e.g., via piral-cli-webpack5

You can do that via:

npm i vue-loader@^15 @vue/compiler-sfc^2 piral-cli-webpack5 --save-dev

The available options for piral-vue/extend-webpack are the same as for the options of the vue-loader, e.g.:

const extendWebpack = require('piral-vue/extend-webpack');

module.exports = extendWebpack({
  customElement: /\.ce\.vue$/,


Piral is released using the MIT license. For more information see the license file.

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  • florianrappl