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1.8.2 • Public • Published

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This plugin enables using Webpack v5 as the bundler for Piral instances and pilets.


Use your favorite NPM client for the installation:

npm i piral-cli-webpack5 --save-dev

Note: The plugin has to be installed to tell the piral-cli to use Webpack v5 as the default bundler.


There is nothing to do. Standard commands such as piral build or pilet debug will now work with Webpack as the bundler.

This plugin comes with batteries included. You don't need to install or specify your Webpack version.

What's Inside

Right now it includes:

  • babel-loader,
  • css-loader,
  • file-loader,
  • source-map-loader,
  • sass-loader,
  • style-loader,
  • ts-loader,
  • parcel-codegen-loader,
  • import-maps-webpack-plugin,
  • html-webpack-plugin,
  • mini-css-extract-plugin,
  • optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin,
  • terser-webpack-plugin,
  • webpack, and
  • webpack-dev-server.

As such it should be prepared to include assets (images, videos, ...), stylesheets (CSS and SASS), and work with TypeScript.


You can still leverage your own webpack.config.js. Either just export what you want to have overwritten, e.g.,

module.exports = {
  devtool: 'inline-source-map',

or specify a function that is called with the already created configuration.

An example would be:

module.exports = function(config) {
  config.entry.side = ['@babel/polyfill'];
  return config;

Otherwise, you can also use the extend-config helper module to get the job done without having to know the internals:

const extendConfig = require('piral-cli-webpack5/extend-config');

module.exports = extendConfig({
  checkTypes: true, // not only transpiles TS, but also checks the types
  noPresets: true, // removes existing presets from Babel
  rules: [], // adds additional rules
  removeRules: [], // removes the rules mentioned by their loader name
  plugins: [], // adds additional plugins
  removePlugins: [], // removes the plugins mentioned by their class reference
  fileLoaderOptions: {}, // sets the options for the file loader
  tsLoaderOptions: {}, // sets the options for the TS loader
  babelLoaderOptions: {}, // sets the options for the Babel loader
  cssLoaderOptions: {}, // sets the options for the CSS loader
  sassLoaderOptions: {}, // sets the options for the SASS loader

If you want to name your Webpack configuration different than webpack.config.js you can use the --config CLI option.


npx piral build --config my-webpack.js


Piral is released using the MIT license. For more information see the license file.

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npm i piral-cli-webpack5



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  • florianrappl