A suit to improve various tasks in context of Pipefy.
About & Installation
This is a command-line application. To install it, you need to have NodeJS installed. Afterwards, see the Section Usage.
As this app interacts with Pipefy, it also requires an OAuth2 Bearer API token so it can access the data. To obtain your own token, please follow the following instructions:
- Go to https://app.pipefy.com/tokens
- Click on 'Generate new token'
- Give the token a description
- Click 'Save'
Copy this token and use it as an argument for the commands as listed below.
Other descriptions on how to obtain your token can be found in the official documentation and in the Pipefy Community.
$ npm install -g pipefy-enhancer
$ PipefyEnhancer COMMAND
running command...
$ PipefyEnhancer (-v|--version|version)
pipefy-enhancer/1.5.0 darwin-x64 node-v16.8.0
$ PipefyEnhancer --help [COMMAND]
$ PipefyEnhancer COMMAND
PipefyEnhancer add-default-values TOKEN
PipefyEnhancer add-field-to-every-phase TOKEN PIPEID
PipefyEnhancer add-field-to-every-pipe TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID PHASENAME
PipefyEnhancer add-warning-to-every-phase TOKEN PIPEID
PipefyEnhancer edit-email-templates TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID [PIPEIDS]
PipefyEnhancer fix-duplicate-field-values TOKEN DATABASEID
PipefyEnhancer generate-docs TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID [PIPEIDS]
PipefyEnhancer hello
PipefyEnhancer help [COMMAND]
PipefyEnhancer move-phase-field TOKEN
PipefyEnhancer remove-duplicate-db-entries TOKEN DATABASEID
PipefyEnhancer add-default-values TOKEN
Set a value to a field in all cards of a phase
$ PipefyEnhancer add-default-values TOKEN
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
--dry Whether to do a dry run: just output how many entries would be changed etc.
--fieldId=fieldId (required) The field id to change its values
--phaseId=phaseId (required) The phase to change the cards in
--value=value (required) The value to change the field to
This command loops all your Cards of the specified pipe and phase
and sets the specified value on the specified field
See code: src/commands/add-default-values.js
PipefyEnhancer add-field-to-every-phase TOKEN PIPEID
Add a field to every phase in a pipe
$ PipefyEnhancer add-field-to-every-phase TOKEN PIPEID
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
PIPEID The id of the pipe to add the fields to.
-d, --description=description
The description of the field.
-l, --label=label
(required) The label of the field.
(required) The type of the field.
Whether to use the minimal view
This command loops all your Pipefy phases of the pipe specified and adds the field as specified.
See code: src/commands/add-field-to-every-phase.js
PipefyEnhancer add-field-to-every-pipe TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID PHASENAME
Add a field to every phase with the same name in all pipes
$ PipefyEnhancer add-field-to-every-pipe TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID PHASENAME
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
ORGANIZATIONID The id of the organization to load the pipes for.
PHASENAME The name of the phase in all pipes to add the fields to.
-d, --description=description
The description of the field.
-l, --label=label
(required) The label of the field.
(required) The type of the field.
Whether the field can be edited in other phases
Whether to use the minimal view
This command loops all your Pipefy pipes adds the field as specified to every phase with the specified name.
See code: src/commands/add-field-to-every-pipe.js
PipefyEnhancer add-warning-to-every-phase TOKEN PIPEID
Add a conditional statement field to every phase in a pipe
$ PipefyEnhancer add-warning-to-every-phase TOKEN PIPEID
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
PIPEID The id of the pipe to add the fields to.
-d, --description=description The description of the field.
-l, --label=label (required) The label of the field.
--fieldId=fieldId (required) Id of the field to trigger the warning
--minimal Whether to use the minimal view
This command loops all your Pipefy phases of the pipe specified and adds the warning as specified.
The warning is shown if the field you specify by id is emtpy.
See code: src/commands/add-warning-to-every-phase.js
PipefyEnhancer edit-email-templates TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID [PIPEIDS]
Edit your Pipefy E-Mail Templates
$ PipefyEnhancer edit-email-templates TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID [PIPEIDS]
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
ORGANIZATIONID The id of the organization whose E-Mails to edit. Not used if pipeIds is specified.
PIPEIDS The comma-separated ids of the pipes whose E-Mails to edit. Empty = all pipes of your organization.
-a, --otherFields=subject|name|fromName|fromEmail|toEmail|ccEmail|bccEmail whether to ask/replace other fields
(instead of only the E-Mail body)
specified here
-l, --language=language language to reset for all templates
-s, --skipEdit skip edit of E-Mail body
-t, --timezone=timezone timezone to reset for all templates
This command loops all your Pipefy E-Mail-Templates so you can fix them one by one.
The editor for the E-Mail-Templates is read from $VISUAL or $EDITOR environment variables.
If neither of those are present, notepad (on Windows) or vim (Linux or Mac) is used.
(See: https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js/#editor---type-editor)
See code: src/commands/edit-email-templates.js
PipefyEnhancer fix-duplicate-field-values TOKEN DATABASEID
Remove duplicate field values from a Pipefy Database
$ PipefyEnhancer fix-duplicate-field-values TOKEN DATABASEID
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
DATABASEID The id of the database to filter for duplicates.
--checkRearrange Whether the field's value should be checked for a match when split at a space
E.g.: names: 'Test Nest' matches 'Nest Test'.
--dry Whether to do a dry run: just output how many entries would be deleted etc.
--fieldCheck=fieldCheck (required) The first field to check the value
--fieldReset=fieldReset (required) The field to set to an empty value if it has the same value as fieldCheck
This command loops all your Pipefy DataBase Entries of the specified database
and sets one field to empty if it has the same value as another one
See code: src/commands/fix-duplicate-field-values.js
PipefyEnhancer generate-docs TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID [PIPEIDS]
Generate a documentation of your pipes
$ PipefyEnhancer generate-docs TOKEN ORGANIZATIONID [PIPEIDS]
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
ORGANIZATIONID The id of the organization whose Pipes to document.
PIPEIDS The comma-separated ids of the pipes to document. Empty = all pipes of your organization.
-f, --format=html|pdf [default: html] Format to use for output
-l, --locale=en [default: en] Language to use for documentation
-p, --filename=filename [default: pipe_documentation] File path & name prefix to use for output
This command loops all your Pipefy E-Mail-Templates, Automations etc. and
outputs them into a HTML file (per pipe) which you can then export as PDF or
whatever suits your needs.
See code: src/commands/generate-docs.js
PipefyEnhancer hello
This is a test command
$ PipefyEnhancer hello
-n, --name=name name to print
You can call it so that it greets you.
See code: src/commands/hello.js
PipefyEnhancer help [COMMAND]
display help for PipefyEnhancer
$ PipefyEnhancer help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
PipefyEnhancer move-phase-field TOKEN
Move a field from one phase to another
$ PipefyEnhancer move-phase-field TOKEN
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
--dry Whether to do a dry run: just output how many entries would be deleted etc.
--fieldId=fieldId (required) The id of the field to move
--pipeId=pipeId (required) The id of the pipe containing the phases and field
--targetPhaseId=targetPhaseId (required) The id of the new phase to move the field to
This command loops all your Cards of the specified pipe and phase
and gets the specified value on the specified field,
then adds the new field, sets its value (where possible),
and finally reminds you to delete the old field.
⚠️ NOTE: untested for certain field types!
See code: src/commands/move-phase-field.js
PipefyEnhancer remove-duplicate-db-entries TOKEN DATABASEID
Remove duplicates from a Pipefy Database
$ PipefyEnhancer remove-duplicate-db-entries TOKEN DATABASEID
TOKEN The API-Token for the Pipefy GraphQL API
DATABASEID The id of the database to filter for duplicates.
-m, --merge Merge if duplicates have connected cards.
CAUTION: make sure the connection field is editable.
--dry Whether to do a dry run: just output how many entries would be deleted etc.
This command loops all your Pipefy DataBase Entries of the specified database
and deletes the ones duplicates without connected cards (or merges them, see "-m")
See code: src/commands/remove-duplicate-db-entries.js
We are very happy to review any pull request.
Pipefy is not affiliated in any way with this program and does neither support nor endorse it at the current point in time.