
1.7.8 • Public • Published

Seamless Media Queries Made Simple

PiecewiseCSS makes use of an intuitive responsive design pattern to make writing Sass for all screen sizes fast and easy.


@import '../node_modules/piecewisecss/piecewise.scss';

h1 {
    @include piecewise(font-size, 24, 48, 480, 1200, !important);

The piecewise() mixin takes six arguments:

  1. a CSS property;
  2. the minimum
  3. and maximum desired values of that property (in px);
  4. the browser widths, beneath
  5. and above which those values will be applied;
  6. and an optional appender argument for values such as !important.

In the example above, the <h1> tag will have:

  • a font-size of 24px at browser width <= 480px;
  • a font-size of 48px at browser width >= 1200px;
  • between 480px and 1200px, the font-size will be scaled linearly with the browser width, resulting in a seamless, gradual breakpoint.

Global Breakpoint Variables

New in 1.4: Use global variables to keep your breakpoints consistent. Using one or both of the local screen width arguments will override these.


$globalMin: 480px;
$globalMax: 1000px;


@import './main.scss';
.class {
    @include piecewise(padding: 0 5px, 20px);

Use as Breakpoint

New in 1.2: Invoke piecewise() to apply one-line media queries by using only the pxMin argument. In the example below, flex-basis will simply flip from 100% to 33% at 480px.

.class {
    @include piecewise(flex-basis, 100%, 33%, 480);
    @include piecewise(flex-direction, column, row, 480);

Note this is the only mode of piecewise() that supports non-px and string values.


New in 1.5: The @mixin inversePiecewise() provides you with the inverse value (100% - that value) of what piecewise() provides you. Say you want control of two divs that split the width of a parent:

.sidebar {
    @include piecewise(width, 100, 120, 480, 1000);
.window {
    @include inversePiecewise(width, 100, 120, 480, 1000);

In this example, .sidebar will adjust its width from 100px to 120px from view-widths 480px to 1000px, and the .window element will occupy the rest of the remaining space.

On, Off, On Again

New in 1.7: Invoke piecewise() to set three values at two breakpoints:

@include piecewise(display, none, inline, none, 650, 1000);

This element will be displayed inline between 650px and 1000px, and disappear otherwise.

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  • jpfiorilla