Auto sync codes to Raspberry Pi by SFTP, inspirated by docker-sync.
npm i -g pi-sync
# OR
npm i -D pi-sync
Node versions
node.js version 6+ needed.
Use Options
NOTE: Priority Level: options
> pi-sync.conf.yml
> Default Setting
IMPORTANT: An already-known bug occurs when try to sync a large project for first time, Plz use -s
options when sync failed.
Usage: pi-sync [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-w, --watch Watch files change and sync
-H, --host <host> SSH host name of remote device
-p, --port <port> SSH port number of remote device
-a, --account <account> SSH account name of remote device
-P, --pass <pass> SSH password of remote device
-k, --key <key> Path to SSH private key
-r, --remote <remote> Remote path, must be absolute path
-s, --safe Use safe mode, if failed first time, try safe mode
-h, --help output usage information
$ pi-sync --help
$ pi-sync -H pi@ -k PATH/TO/KEY
$ pi-sync -H pi@ -P raspberry
$ pi-sync -H -p 22 -a pi -P raspberry
$ pi-sync -w -H pi@ -P raspberry
$ pi-sync -w -H # use pi@HOSTNAME:22, pw: raspberry by default
$ pi-sync -s -H -r /home/pi/Documents/PROJECT
Use Config File
Set pi-sync.conf.yml
under repository root before use it. and run commands below.
Demo pi-sync.conf.yml
# NOTE: This sample configs could not used directly connection: # connection setting of ssh/sftp host: 192.168.x.xx # optional, default pi port: 22 # optional, default 22 username: pi # needed password: raspberry # optional, but one of password or privateKey is needed # privateKey: PATH/TO/KEY # optional, but one of password or privateKey is needed readyTimeout: 10000 # optional, How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the SSH handshake to complete transport: # directory setting of sftp remotePath: ~/pi-sync # optional, default is ~/SAME-DIR-NAME localPath: ~/my-git/pi-sync # optional, default is current path execBefore: 'npm install' # optional, command run before transport execAfter: 'npm run build' # optional, command run after transport polling: 1500 # optional, defalt 1500ms, on --watch mode, stock changes and transport every few moment safeMode: false # optional, defalt false, if true, transport file one by one, slow but safe ignore: # optional, additional ignore files which not in .gitignore - readme.md include: # optional, additional include files which ignored by .gitignore - IM-IN-GITIGNORE.yml
# Batch sync
$(npm bin)/pi-sync
# Watch file changes and sync
$(npm bin)/pi-sync -w
Demo Images
Use options
Sync local pi-sync
to /home/pi/Documents/pi-sync
at pi@
once in safeMode.
Use config file and watch change
Sync local pi-sync
by pi-sync.conf.yml
and watch local file changes.
License (MIT)
Copyright 2017~2018 Jerry Lee