A typeScript library for creating 2d physics simulations within self-contained 'Worlds' which can be rendered on HTML canvas elements.
npm i physics-worlds
Example usage
//create a world with two bodies.
const world = new World([
new Body({ x: 10, y: 10, density:2 }),
new Body({ x: 10, y: 100, size: 50, fillColor: 'blue' })
], {
width: 200,
height: 200,
airDensity: 4,
globalGravityForce: new Force(1, 0),
//find a canvas element on the document
const myCanvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
//create a ViewPort to render the world on the canvas
const viewPort = ViewPort.fitToSize(world, myCanvas, 300,200);
//Start the world's timer
world.ticksPerSecond = 10;