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1.0.9 • Public • Published

Phantom Flier

A wkhtmltopdf-esque cli using phantom.js and node.js!


I migrated a client to an excellent new PAAS solution. Our application required the incredibly powerful wkhtmltopdf binary, which was not possible in their containerized application environment.

Their reasoning was sound - why install this package that require Xorg dependencies (defeating the purpose of containerization) when there are so many other ways to achieve this goal?


npm i -g phantomflier

Additionally, you can install it to a project, and provide a local config file for execution in that environment.

npm i --save phantomflier


There are two ways to use phantomflier - the CLI and/or a phantomflier.js file.

Basic CLI Usage

~$: phantomflier input/path/or/url output/path/with.ext --phantom-render-stream-options


~$: phantomflier ~/Pictures/google.pdf --format pdf --orientation landscape


In theory, any stream source/dest param, arrays or blobs, that you would pass to, say, a gulp task are possible.

For example:

~$: phantomflier ./build/**/*.html ./_gh_pages/archive/
/ --format pdf --pool 3 --timeout 2000 --paper-format Letter

That would be fun to try!

Configfiles ftw

(this may not work properly yet!)

If there is a phantomflier.js file in your cwd, or you pass a --config param with a path to a config, you are golden for some json preconfiguration action!

The CLI overrides the default config - whether provided by this module, or your config as provided above.


Because this is basically a wrapper of phantom-render-stream, you can use any of it's options:

var render = phantom({
  pool        : 5,           // Change the pool size. Defaults to 1
  timeout     : 1000,        // Set a render timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  tmp         : '/tmp',      // Set the tmp where tmp data is stored when communicating with the phantom process.
  //   Defaults to /tmp if it exists, or os.tmpDir()
  format      : 'jpeg',      // The default output format. Defaults to png
  quality     : 100,         // The default image quality. Defaults to 100. Only relevant for jpeg format.
  width       : 1280,        // Changes the width size. Defaults to 1280
  height      : 800,         // Changes the height size. Defaults to 960
  paperFormat : 'A4',        // Defaults to A4. Also supported: 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter', 'Tabloid'.
  orientation : 'portrait',  // Defaults to portrait. 'landscape' is also valid
  margin      : '0cm',       // Defaults to 0cm. Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'. No unit means 'px'.
  userAgent   : '',          // No default.
  headers     : {Foo:'bar'}, // Additional headers to send with each upstream HTTP request
  paperSize:  : null,        // Defaults to the paper format, orientation, and margin.
  crop        : false,       // Defaults to false. Set to true or {top:5, left:5} to add margin
  printMedia  : false,       // Defaults to false. Force the use of a print stylesheet.
  maxErrors   : 3,           // Number errors phantom process is allowed to throw before killing it. Defaults to 3.
  expects     : 'something', // No default. Do not render until window.renderable is set to 'something'
  retries     : 1,           // How many times to try a render before giving up. Defaults to 1.
  phantomFlags: ['--ignore-ssl-errors=true'] // Defaults to []. Command line flags passed to phantomjs
  maxRenders  : 20,          // How many renders can a phantom process make before being restarted. Defaults to 20

  injectJs    : ['./includes/my-polyfill.js'] // Array of paths to polyfill components or external scripts that will be injected when the page is initialized

Other Options

-v, -vv, -vvv for more verbose output

Example Config File

var defaultConfig = {
  "options": {
    "format": "Letter",
    "orientation": "landscape",
    "format" : "pdf",
    "margin": "15mm"
  "paths": {
    "source": ""
    "dest": " "

module.exports = defaultConfig;




  • [ ] unit and acceptance tests using tape and ??, plus travis
  • [ ] actually implement the config file thing I talk about
  • [ ] array/blob logic and error handling
  • [ ] picture-tube --preview flag for lols

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